Hello mailinglist,
Somehow I can’t get the ssl_verify_client option to work properly for
me. As it more and more looks like this might be a bug, I thought I’d
report. I’m using 0.8.53, but upgraded from 0.7.67 because of this
The problem is with setting ssl_verify_client in any server {} block.
Setting it globally (in the http{} block) works as expected, but I
can’t get ssl_verify_client enabled for one specific server {} and not
for all the others. Setting it to ‘optional’ in a server config
doesn’t change much (maybe something does change, but nothing
noticeable happens), though setting it to ‘on’ does deny connections
without a client certificate. Sadly this, like ‘optional’, still does
mean it won’t ask for a client certificate so will deny access to
every request.
Am I expecting the wrong things here, or is server-specific
ssl_verify_client setting broken here?
Luit van Drongelen [email protected]
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 1:14 AM, Luit van Drongelen [email protected]
Am I expecting the wrong things here, or is server-specific
ssl_verify_client setting broken here?
My case further simplified:
http { server { listen: 443; ssl on; ssl_verify_client optional;
certificate and key stuffs; }} # DOESN’T WORK
http { ssl_verify_client: optional; certificate and key stuffs;
server{listen: 443; ssl: on; }} # WORKS FINE
This is the same for ssl_verify_client: on, where the “doesn’t work”
means it’ll just stop any request.
So are my expectations of ssl_verify_client wrong, or would this be a
Luit van Drongelen [email protected]
On Fri, Nov 05, 2010 at 11:28:33PM +0100, Luit van Drongelen wrote:
This is the same for ssl_verify_client: on, where the “doesn’t work”
means it’ll just stop any request.
So are my expectations of ssl_verify_client wrong, or would this be a bug?
Directive ssl_verify_client works correctly only on
per-ssl-connection basis (as well as ssl_certificate) as it
requires client certificate request during ssl handshake.
This means that (unless you have SNI[1] enabled) if you have multiple
ssl server{}'s listening on the same ip:port pair - you have to
specify ssl_verify_client identical (or at least somewhat synced)
for all servers on the ip:port pair in question.
[1] Server Name Indication - Wikipedia
Your simplified cases should both work ok (and they works ok here,
and I doubt you actually tested them). Though this one will cause
troubles without SNI:
http {
server {
listen 443;
server_name test1.example.com;
ssl on;
server {
listen 443;
server_name test2.example.com;
ssl on;
ssl_verify_client on;
Default server for port 443 is first one, test1.example.com, and
all ssl connections will be established without certificate
request (and with server certificate specified in this server -
though this is probably obvious). As soon as request to
test2.example.com comes in - nginx will select second server, try
to check client’s certificate and return 400 as there is no client
Obvious solutions are:
Use separate ip’s for separate servers.
Keep ssl_verify_client at least “optional” in the default
server for ip:port pair if you want client certificates to be
available for servers on the ip:port pair in question. Note that
this may cause unnecessary “select certificate to submit” dialogs
in browser.
Use SNI. As long as you care about IE users under Windows XP -
this probably isn’t an option.
Maxim D.
On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 3:06 AM, Maxim D. [email protected] wrote:
Your simplified cases should both work ok (and they works ok here,
and I doubt you actually tested them). Though this one will cause
troubles without SNI:
They do work for changing certificates, but the ssl_verify_client
option won’t be properly used. Furthermore the server will expect a
client certificate when this is set to “on”, though will not send any
accepted accepted DNs (only when it’s globally set it will work).
Should this mean that I have SNI disabled, how do I enable this? I use
a recent version of OpenSSL, I have compiled nginx with SNI support,
according to nginx -V, so what am I missing here?
Luit van Drongelen [email protected]
On Sat, Nov 06, 2010 at 01:18:11PM +0100, Luit van Drongelen wrote:
Should this mean that I have SNI disabled, how do I enable this? I use
a recent version of OpenSSL, I have compiled nginx with SNI support,
according to nginx -V, so what am I missing here?
ENOPARSE. Do you mean you already using SNI to distinguish
between different virtual hosts (with different certificates) on
the same ip:port, and it works for certificates, but not for
ssl_verify_client, right?
This make sense: it looks like OpenSSL only changes certificate on
SSL_set_SSL_CTX(). Seems to be OpenSSL problem - it should apply
all settings from new context, at least ones which weren’t
explicitly modified for the connection in question.
Attached patch implements workaround for the problem.
Maxim D.
2010/11/7 Maxim D. [email protected]:
This make sense: it looks like OpenSSL only changes certificate on
SSL_set_SSL_CTX(). Seems to be OpenSSL problem - it should apply
all settings from new context, at least ones which weren’t
explicitly modified for the connection in question.
Should have made it a little more clear in the first mail that
certificates switched fine but that setting didn’t in my situation.
This patch seems to fix all issues I have, thanks!
Luit van Drongelen [email protected]