Trouble with local variables

Hello everyone!
I’ve been coding with Ruby for about three days, and I just ran into my
first big snag. I’ve been working on a quiz, and the first one had
questions like this:

puts ‘How many classes have a taunt kill?’
puts ‘A - Three’
puts ‘B - Four’
puts ‘C - Five’
puts ‘D - Six’
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
if (answer == ‘d’)
score = score + 1

But it’s messy, since I have to repeat the code for every question. (I
know, I know, DRY). With this in mind, I began construction on quiz2,
and used this as my prototype:

def check
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
if (answer == c_answer)
score = score + 1
puts 'The correct answer was ’ + c_answer + ‘.’
puts ‘Which is the slowest class?’
puts ‘A - Pyro’
puts ‘B - Demoman’
puts ‘C - Heavy’
puts ‘D - Soldier’
c_answer = ‘c’

I understand the problem (mostly), but I’m looking for a workaround.
Most of my ‘fixes’ don’t work because of the ‘A, B, C, D’ system; should
that system be changed?

Sorry for such a long post, I’ve just really gotten into this.

Severin Newsom wrote:

Hello everyone!
I’ve been coding with Ruby for about three days, and I just ran into my
first big snag. I’ve been working on a quiz, and the first one had
questions like this:

puts ‘How many classes have a taunt kill?’
puts ‘A - Three’
puts ‘B - Four’
puts ‘C - Five’
puts ‘D - Six’
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
if (answer == ‘d’)
score = score + 1

But it’s messy, since I have to repeat the code for every question. (I
know, I know, DRY). With this in mind, I began construction on quiz2,
and used this as my prototype:

def check
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
if (answer == c_answer)
score = score + 1
puts 'The correct answer was ’ + c_answer + ‘.’
puts ‘Which is the slowest class?’
puts ‘A - Pyro’
puts ‘B - Demoman’
puts ‘C - Heavy’
puts ‘D - Soldier’
c_answer = ‘c’

I understand the problem (mostly), but I’m looking for a workaround.
Most of my ‘fixes’ don’t work because of the ‘A, B, C, D’ system; should
that system be changed?

Sorry for such a long post, I’ve just really gotten into this.

read about class variables (or global variables)

Also it will be cleaner if you pass the answer to chech() tru its
argument list

def check(answer)

…play around.


Am Sonntag, 11. Okt 2009, 00:58:17 +0900 schrieb Severin Newsom:

puts ‘A - Pyro’
puts ‘B - Demoman’
puts ‘C - Heavy’
puts ‘D - Soldier’

Maybe you do want to do something like that:

def menu ary
letter = “A”
ary.each { |entry|
puts “#{letter} - #{entry}”

menu %w(Pyro Demoman Heavy Soldier)


On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Severin Newsom
[email protected]wrote:

answer = gets.chomp.downcase
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
puts ‘D - Soldier’

def correct?(item)
letters = %w(A B C D E F G)
puts item[:question] + ‘?’
item[:choices].each_with_index {|choice,i|
puts “#{letters[i]} - #{choice}”
rescue false

correct = 0
questions = [
:question => “Which is the slowest class”,
:choices => %w(Pyro Demoman Heavy Soldier),
:solution => lambda {|input| input == ‘Heavy’}
:question => “What is the best programming language ever”,
:choices => %w(whitespace ruby),
:solution => lambda {|input| input == ‘ruby’}

do work

questions.each {|question|
correct +=1 if correct? question


puts “correct: #{correct}, incorrect: #{questions.size-correct} score:

Hi –

On Sun, 11 Oct 2009, Rodrigo B. wrote:

puts ‘D - Six’
def check
puts ‘C - Heavy’
read about class variables (or global variables)

@score is an instance variable, not a class or global variable. I
would definitely encourage everyone to learn about class and global
variables, but they’re literally about the last thing I would reach
for in almost any situation. You definitely won’t need them here.


The Ruby training with D. Black, G. Brown, J.McAnally
Compleat Jan 22-23, 2010, Tampa, FL

David A. Black/Ruby Power and Light, LLC (

Severin Newsom wrote:

Hello everyone!
I’ve been coding with Ruby for about three days, and I just ran into my
first big snag. I’ve been working on a quiz, and the first one had
questions like this:

puts ‘How many classes have a taunt kill?’
puts ‘A - Three’
puts ‘B - Four’
puts ‘C - Five’
puts ‘D - Six’
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
if (answer == ‘d’)
score = score + 1

But it’s messy, since I have to repeat the code for every question. (I
know, I know, DRY). With this in mind, I began construction on quiz2,
and used this as my prototype:

def check
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
if (answer == c_answer)
score = score + 1
puts 'The correct answer was ’ + c_answer + ‘.’
puts ‘Which is the slowest class?’
puts ‘A - Pyro’
puts ‘B - Demoman’
puts ‘C - Heavy’
puts ‘D - Soldier’
c_answer = ‘c’

I understand the problem (mostly), but I’m looking for a workaround.
Most of my ‘fixes’ don’t work because of the ‘A, B, C, D’ system; should
that system be changed?

Sorry for such a long post, I’ve just really gotten into this.

Hey! Making a quiz is not something I have ever done, but after reading
your post, this is how I would code it up.

#I’d start by making an array with all the right answers to the quiz
answer_key = [‘a’, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘d’, ‘c’, ‘c’] # for instance

then after printing the question, as you have done above …

answer = []

#The above places the input into a new element in the array

#Once the quiz is complete we can tally the score like this …

answer_key.each_index do |i|
score ||= 0 # initialize the variable unless it it already initialized
score +=1 if answer_key[i] == answer[i]

puts “You got #{score} answers correct!”

The each_index method of the array class returns the index number for

each element of the array so that you can iterate through both arrays

at once, which is pretty cool, I think.

Severin Newsom wrote:

def check
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
if (answer == c_answer)
score = score + 1
puts 'The correct answer was ’ + c_answer + ‘.’
puts ‘Which is the slowest class?’
puts ‘A - Pyro’
puts ‘B - Demoman’
puts ‘C - Heavy’
puts ‘D - Soldier’
c_answer = ‘c’

I understand the problem (mostly)

I think you’d find it helpful if you post the actual error you get when
you run this program:

quiz.rb:3:in check': undefined local variable or methodc_answer’ for
main:Object (NameError)
from quiz.rb:15

This basically tells you the problem: ruby cannot find anything called
“c_answer”. This is because c_answer is a local variable - but methods
cannot access local variables defined outside them. Every method defined
with ‘def’ starts with a clean slate as far as local variables are
concerned. There are very good reasons for this which I won’t go into

So basically, you either make c_answer a global variable like $c_answer
(bad practice), or pass it in as an argument to the method (good

def check(c_answer)
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
if (answer == c_answer)
score = score + 1
puts 'The correct answer was ’ + c_answer + ‘.’
puts ‘Which is the slowest class?’
puts ‘A - Pyro’
puts ‘B - Demoman’
puts ‘C - Heavy’
puts ‘D - Soldier’

This moves you along, but if you enter a right answer you get a new

quiz.rb:4:in check': undefined method+’ for nil:NilClass
from quiz.rb:14

This is the same problem, in this case ‘score’ is not accessible inside
the method. However because you have an assignment to score (score =
…) a local variable is automatically brought into existence with value
‘nil’, even though the assignment hasn’t actually executed yet. This is
why you get a potentially confusing error message. “Undefined method…
for nil” means you tried to execute nil.something (nil.+ in this case)

Again you have a number of options:

  1. Have a global variable $score (bad practice, makes it hard to re-use
    code, non-thread-safe etc)

  2. Pass in the old score, and return the new score. This is a
    “functional” programming style, meaning that your function doesn’t
    actually modify any state, but just returns new calculated values.

def check(c_answer, score)
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
if (answer == c_answer)
score = score + 1
puts 'The correct answer was ’ + c_answer + ‘.’
return score

score = 0

puts ‘Which is the slowest class?’
puts ‘A - Pyro’
puts ‘B - Demoman’
puts ‘C - Heavy’
puts ‘D - Soldier’
score = check(‘c’, score)

puts “Your score is #{score}”

  1. Build a class which holds the state for your quiz session. This is
    the “object oriented” style.

class QuizSession
attr_accessor :score
def initialize
@score = 0
def check(c_answer)
answer = gets.chomp.downcase
if (answer == c_answer)
@score = @score + 1
puts 'The correct answer was ’ + c_answer + ‘.’

session =

puts ‘Which is the slowest class?’
puts ‘A - Pyro’
puts ‘B - Demoman’
puts ‘C - Heavy’
puts ‘D - Soldier’

puts “Your score is #{session.score}”

I have presented these options making the minimum changes to your
existing code.

You can think of ways of extending the QuizSession object - for example
loading the list of questions from a file, and including the ability to
iterate through the questions-and-answers.

At the moment, QuizSession is just a score counter and answer checker,
but that in itself is a useful function, and a good example of
encapsulation (except that it uses ‘puts’ and so has some user-interface
built in as well)

You could consider making the user interface a separate object, so that
you could plug in a CLI Q&A session, a TK Q&A session, a web-based Q&A
session etc.

