Trouble with FileUtils.rm() -- Invalid arguement error

I have been screwing with this for the last hour, and I still cant get
it (so frustrating when you get stuck on matters that seem trivial).

I am trying to delete all the contents from the temporary internet files
in vista, and I keep getting an invalid argeument error.

cache_dir = ENV[‘USERPROFILE’] +
“\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\.


I have tried several different variations, of backtick, single quotes,
double quotes, etc, etc…even tried deleting a single file, and it
always gives me the same error. Also tried rm_r, rm_rf…still no luck.

could someone explain to me what I am doing wrong? thanks!

What’s the error?!?!?1111oneoneeleveneleven

On Feb 7, 2008, at 9:38 PM, an an wrote:

If you’re not living on the edge,
then you’re just wasting space.

an an wrote:

I have tried several different variations, of backtick, single quotes,
double quotes, etc, etc…even tried deleting a single file, and it
always gives me the same error. Also tried rm_r, rm_rf…still no luck.

could someone explain to me what I am doing wrong? thanks!

It looks like you’re trying to remove all the files in the directory at
once. Bear in mind that FileUtils.rm wants a list of filenames, not a
pattern to match. You can specify a list of filenames by accumulating
them in an array and then using the splat operator:

filenames = whatever it takes to get all the filename in an array

Tim H. wrote:

an an wrote:

I have tried several different variations, of backtick, single quotes,
double quotes, etc, etc…even tried deleting a single file, and it
always gives me the same error. Also tried rm_r, rm_rf…still no luck.

could someone explain to me what I am doing wrong? thanks!

It looks like you’re trying to remove all the files in the directory at
once. Bear in mind that FileUtils.rm wants a list of filenames, not a
pattern to match. You can specify a list of filenames by accumulating
them in an array and then using the splat operator:

filenames = whatever it takes to get all the filename in an array

So I am stuck again on this…I have the following code:

dir =“c:\myDir\delete\”)
FileUtils.rm(dir.entries.reject{|e| /.{1,2}$/ =~ e})

the problem is, that the dir.entries only returns the filename of each
entry…is there anyway to have them expanded?

Tim H. wrote:

an an wrote:

I have tried several different variations, of backtick, single quotes,
double quotes, etc, etc…even tried deleting a single file, and it
always gives me the same error. Also tried rm_r, rm_rf…still no luck.

could someone explain to me what I am doing wrong? thanks!

It looks like you’re trying to remove all the files in the directory at
once. Bear in mind that FileUtils.rm wants a list of filenames, not a
pattern to match. You can specify a list of filenames by accumulating
them in an array and then using the splat operator:

filenames = whatever it takes to get all the filename in an array

that makes much more sense. what threw me off was the * in the following
line in the rdoc

FileUtils.rm Dir.glob(’*.so’)

Did some reading up on Dir.glob and it makes much more sense now.

an an wrote:

It looks like you’re trying to remove all the files in the directory at
dir =“c:\myDir\delete\”)
FileUtils.rm(dir.entries.reject{|e| /.{1,2}$/ =~ e})

the problem is, that the dir.entries only returns the filename of each
entry…is there anyway to have them expanded

Use Dir.glob instead:

FileUtils.rm Dir.glob(“c:\myDir\delete\”)


an an wrote:

entry…is there anyway to have them expanded
puts Dir.glob(“C:”)

neither of which print anything

I forgot the asterisk:

FileUtils.rm Dir.glob(“c:\myDir\delete\*”)


Justin C. wrote:

an an wrote:

It looks like you’re trying to remove all the files in the directory at
dir =“c:\myDir\delete\”)
FileUtils.rm(dir.entries.reject{|e| /.{1,2}$/ =~ e})

the problem is, that the dir.entries only returns the filename of each
entry…is there anyway to have them expanded

Use Dir.glob instead:

FileUtils.rm Dir.glob(“c:\myDir\delete\”)


still doesn’t work for some reason. in irb if I do

puts Dir.glob(“C:”)

neither of which print anything

Justin C. wrote:

an an wrote:

entry…is there anyway to have them expanded
puts Dir.glob(“C:”)

neither of which print anything

I forgot the asterisk:

FileUtils.rm Dir.glob(“c:\myDir\delete\*”)


still no luck…here is exactly what I have typed into irb:

irb(main):003:1’ Dir.glob(‘c:’)
irb(main):004:1’ Dir.glob(‘c:\drivers’)
irb(main):005:1’ Dir.glob(“c:\drivers”)
irb(main):006:1’ Dir.glob(“c:\drivers*”)
irb(main):007:1’ puts Dir.glob(“c:\drivers*”)
irb(main):008:1’ puts Dir.glob(“c:\drivers\")
irb(main):009:1’ Dir.glob("c:\drivers\
irb(main):010:1’ Dir.glob(‘c:\drivers\’)
irb(main):011:1’ Dir.glob("c:\
irb(main):012:1’ print Dir.glob(“C:\*”)

none of these commands returned anything…any idea why?

an an wrote:

irb(main):011:1’ Dir.glob(“c:\")
irb(main):012:1’ print Dir.glob("C:\

none of these commands returned anything…any idea why?

Well…it might be a Windows thing, but what did you type in before
those lines? You seem to be within a quote.

Notice your prompt:


         Should be a > (greater than sign)

For instance:

irb(main):001:0> ’ <- I just started a string
irb(main):002:0’ <- Now the prompt is different
irb(main):003:0’ Until I close the string, it will remain that way
irb(main):004:0’ here I close it -> ’
=> " <- I just started a string\n<- Now the prompt is different\nUntil I
close the string, it will remain that way\nhere I close it -> "
irb(main):005:0> puts “Now we’re back to normal”
Now we’re back to normal
=> nil


On Feb 9, 2008 10:08 AM, an an [email protected] wrote:

still no luck…here is exactly what I have typed into irb:
irb(main):011:1’ Dir.glob(“c:\")
irb(main):012:1’ print Dir.glob("C:\
none of these commands returned anything…any idea why?

i think nobu advised us on using (forward)slash instead of backslash
since the latter was a special/metacharacter, so,

irb(main):008:0> Dir.glob(‘c:/*’)
=> [“c:/#!mail!#2060tDO#”, “c:/2.pst”, “c:/abap”, “c:/abap.pst”,
“c:/adaptec”, "
c:/admin", “c:/adsm.pst”, “c:/ae”, “c:/aeditor-2.0.log”, “c:/and”,
stall.log”, “c:/archive.pst”, “c:/archive2.pst”, “c:/asoutput.log”,
", “c:/avgun.log”, “c:/backup”, “c:/backup2.pst”, “c:/bind.pst”,

btw, before running the above in irb, pls press ctrl-c+enter or
restart your irb first. your irb prompt is hinting a continuation on a
quote :wink:

kind regards -botp

Justin & botp,

thanks for your help. I didn’t notice that problem with irb, but using
the ‘/’ slash ended up working…thanks for all your help!