Trouble using date_select with blank options

I want to allow users to enter a day and a month, but not necessarily
a year. i.e. it should be optional.

If I select the day and month, but a blank year and then submit i get:

1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes

The paramaters regarding the date look like this:


My select looks like this:

<%= date_select ‘contact’, ‘date_of_birth’, :order => [:day, :month,
:year], :include_blank => true %>

There’s no validation in the model and the databse field is set to
allow null values.

If someone could help me out here it would be most appreciated,

Paul S. wrote:


My select looks like this:

<%= date_select ‘contact’, ‘date_of_birth’, :order => [:day, :month,
:year], :include_blank => true %>

You can only use date_select to set a model attribute to a
date. You’ll have to use select_date instead, and write a method in
your Contact model to handle setting the correct attribute values from
incoming posted parameters.

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