Trouble installing/configuring Rails


I’m absolutely brand new to Ruby on Rails, and am trying to install it
on my host server. My host server (Netfirms) provides limited support
for Ruby on Rails, meaning they have the programming script and db
bindings pre-installed. We simply copy the files to our directories
and configure to our db.

I am running this with MySQL

I’ve got all the files copied correct, but am running into trouble on
this final step my hosts provides (but won’t offer help with) in their
Quick Installation Guide:

Using vi editor OR ee, edit railsapp/app/controllers/

tablename_controller.rb by inserting the following line inside the
class declaration: scaffold :tablename

(the name of my tablename is “casualties”)

When I open casualties_controller.rb with my vi editor, it displays:

class CasualtiesController < ApplicationController

I’m not sure where in that casualties_controller.rb file I am supposed
to insert “scaffold :casualties”.

Thank you,
Colleen Robledo

On Oct 13, 2007, at 10:35 AM, Colleen Robledo, MLIS wrote:

When I open casualties_controller.rb with my vi editor, it displays:

class CasualtiesController < ApplicationController

I’m not sure where in that casualties_controller.rb file I am supposed
to insert “scaffold :casualties”.

class CasualtiesController < ApplicationController
scaffold :casualties

– gw

Colleen Robledo, MLIS wrote:

I’ve got all the files copied correct, but am running into trouble on
this final step my hosts provides (but won’t offer help with) in their
Quick Installation Guide:

Using vi editor OR ee, edit railsapp/app/controllers/

tablename_controller.rb by inserting the following line inside the
class declaration: scaffold :tablename
I’m not sure where in that casualties_controller.rb file I am supposed
to insert “scaffold :casualties”.

It sounds like you’re not familiar with Ruby class declarations (or else
you would have known where to put that code :slight_smile: ). If that’s indeed the
case, let me suggest that you spend some more time with the Ruby
language documentation before you dive into Rails. Rails makes heavy
use of Ruby’s object-oriented features, so if you’re going to work with
Rails, you shouid probably at least know how to recognize class
declarations and suchlike.

Thank you,
Colleen Robledo


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]