If you’ve been having trouble today getting a successful build out of
build-gnuradio, please update your copy of build-gnuradio and try again.
The “main” branch was updated to 3.7.0 and I didn’t know that, so
build-gnuradio was dutifully fetching “main”, and then fetching various
OOT modules (gr-osmosdr, gr-iqbal, etc) at their 3.6 API versions,
and the result was an explosion of build failures.
Also, the previous 3.7 build left little bits of “deadly detritus” lying
around in /usr/local/include/gnuradio which would then cause subsequent
3.6 OOT module builds to fail, depsite GR having been changed back to
So, build-gnuradio now “deals” with said detritus prior to doing the
“make install” inside the actual Gnu Radio build bits.
I sure hope the pybombs folks are paying attention
Marcus L.
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium
I’m not sure its the job of a build system to clean up the broken state
left by either not running uninstall previously or an incomplete
routine - this strikes me as a bit of a hackish solution to a more
Rather than worry about this I would like to see people who build GNU
from source repos start using prefixed builds more
this is generally a much cleaner practice as if you are done with a
build (say 3.5 or 3.6 now that 3.7 is out) you can simply blow away the
whole prefix dir.
This generally also ensures that any dependent GR OOT modules you have
built against that version of GNU Radio live in the same version prefix
for instance if you are blowing away gr3.5 you blow away the whole gr3.5
prefix including any OOT modules linked against gr3.5 and are forced to
rebuild them in your newer prefix
pybombs does help enable this by forcing you to specify the prefix when
is first run - and while /usr/local/ is the default in keeping with the
default prefix used everywhere else in linux - it is a pretty poor
due to its shared nature and something like /usr/local/gr3.7/ would be a
better choice.