Tricky rjs rendering

until then I don’t have any problem with .rjs rendering , but I am using
a plugin which build a network tree

@root, :initial_data_options => { :depth => 1 }, :allow_click_branch => true } %> </div this helper generating script in my page <div id= "network_tree" </div

I need to render this tree again from an .rjs , I trying writing the
rails code in partial, and using page.replace.html to replace the
innerHTML, I also tried the page.replace… no way… if I try with a
another partial with simple HTML code , it’s ok, so I believe I am doing
something wrong in rendering this helper… but I have no idea why ?
any clue will be aprpciated


Hi Kad,

I almost have the exact same problem!
When I try to render live_tree using RJS,
Firebug throws an “illegal character” error
for the JS created.

When I use rhtml templates,
live_tree is sort of rendered
(meaning you can see the root and its clickable children)
but the whole layout gets broken,
all other content is lost,
all css stuff is lost
and Firebug throws a million JS errors…

Using a

wrapped around live_tree doesn’t help.

I am using live_tree with the “:find_item_proc” option
getting data from the file system
(just like in one of the live_tree author’s examples).

If you found a solution for this problem,
please let me know.


On Feb 22, 8:58 pm, Kad K. [email protected]

having the same problem here,

did you ever find a solution?

When I use rhtml templates,
live_tree is sort of rendered
(meaning you can see the root and its clickable children)
but the whole layout gets broken,
all other content is lost,
all css stuff is lost
and Firebug throws a million JS errors…