Treequel 1.7.0 Released

treequel version 1.7.0 has been released!

Treequel is an LDAP toolkit for Ruby. It is intended to allow quick,
easy access to LDAP directories in a manner consistent with LDAP’s
hierarchical, free-form nature.

It’s inspired by and modeled after Sequel[],
a kick-ass database library.

== Examples

Here are a few short examples to whet your appetite:

# Connect to the directory configured for the current host
dir = Treequel.directory_from_config

# Get a list of email addresses of every person in the directory (as
# long as people are under ou=people)
dir.ou( :people ).filter( :mail ).map( :mail ).flatten

# Get a list of all IP addresses for all hosts in any ou=hosts group
# in the whole directory:
dir.filter( :ou => :hosts ).collection.filter( :ipHostNumber ).
  map( :ipHostNumber ).flatten

# Get all people in the directory in the form of a hash of names
# keyed by email addresses
dir.ou( :people ).filter( :mail ).to_hash( :mail, :cn )

More elaborate examples of real-world usage can be found
in the examples/ directory in the distribution:


== Documentation

There’s full API docs, and also an online manual:

treequel Manual — Introduction

== Changes

  • Added Branchset#first with an argument, and a #not mutator.
  • Treat Treequel::Model#[]= with a nil value on a SINGLE-VALUE
    attribute as a delete.
  • Efficiency fix for Treequel::Branch#must_attribute_types
  • Removed some of the more-redundant/verbose debugging.