I want to trap a ctrl-c, wait for any http request to finish,and then
exit the program. I know I can Kernel#trap , but not sure how to wait
for the network operation to end. Do I need to perform the network
operation in a thread?
I want to trap a ctrl-c, wait for any http request to finish,and then
exit the program. I know I can Kernel#trap , but not sure how to wait
for the network operation to end. Do I need to perform the network
operation in a thread?
On Dec 17, 2005, at 11:32 AM, Jim wrote:
I want to trap a ctrl-c, wait for any http request to finish,and then
exit the program. I know I can Kernel#trap , but not sure how to wait
for the network operation to end. Do I need to perform the network
operation in a thread?
interrupted = false
trap(“INT”) { interrupted = true }
if interrupted
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