hi -
(this maybe more an imagemagick q that a ruby one, but here goes …)
using rmagick / I have a small script for generating some type, but I
cannot get the type to come out as transparent png - it comes out just
on solid white .
does this have to be done with masks and compositing? there are a
number of methods that look like they should work (transparent_color
etc), but dont seem to…
is the library broken or am i doing something wrong?
require ‘rubygems’
require “RMagick”
include Magick
outfile = “output/matte.png”
drawObj = Magick::Draw.new
drawObj.font = ‘./fonts/Ghoul.ttf’
drawObj.fill = ‘#44ff00’
buffer = Magick::Image.new(250,100)
drawObj.text(20,50, “hello world”)
buffer.opacity = 1
buffer.transparent_color = ‘#000000’
buffer.matte = true
system(“open #{outfile}”)
David "DC" Collier
mailto:[email protected]
+81 (0)80 6521 9559
skype: callto://d3ntaku