Translating Radiant: Looking for an Update

Checking the archives I see that Frederic B. asked about using
Globalize in Radiant.

Did you make it anywhere with Globalize Frederic?

Has anyone else used Globalize with Radiant?

How was translation handled on the Ruby Programming Language site?


IIRC, the translation on was done by hand and uses the
language-redirect behavior to direct visitors to the correct “half” of
the site.


Sean C. wrote:

IIRC, the translation on was done by hand and uses the
language-redirect behavior to direct visitors to the correct “half” of
the site.

And the admin section of the Ruby-Lang site is still in English.

Someone created a patch at one point to integrate this into Radiant, but
I haven’t done anything about it because I don’t plan to support
multiple languages for the admin until after 1.0.

John L.

John W. Long wrote:

Sean C. wrote:

IIRC, the translation on was done by hand and uses the
language-redirect behavior to direct visitors to the correct “half” of
the site.

And the admin section of the Ruby-Lang site is still in English.

Someone created a patch at one point to integrate this into Radiant, but
I haven’t done anything about it because I don’t plan to support
multiple languages for the admin until after 1.0.

John L.

I think localization is very important if you want to use Radiant for
business. I’m really looking forward to translate Radiant in Dutch so I
can use it for the websites of my customers. The only problem is that
they need/want a Dutch admin interface.

My experience with the localization plugin of Thomas F. is very good.
( JavaScript with Thomas Fuchs » Blog Archive » Ruby on Rails i18n revisited)
Implementing this in Radiant wouldn’t be that much work. Besides that,
the plugin is very simple and straightforward, which makes it perfect
for this application.


On Jan 11, 2007, at 8:06 PM, Ronny Hanssen wrote:

I was planning to submit a patch to the dev-masters when done. Now
I am
a bit sure if they really want it or not?

I for one am very interested in seeing this in core! Localisation is
an essential feature

Edwin V. wrote:

John W. Long wrote:

Someone created a patch at one point to integrate this into Radiant, but
I haven’t done anything about it because I don’t plan to support
multiple languages for the admin until after 1.0.

John L.

I think localization is very important if you want to use Radiant for
business. I’m really looking forward to translate Radiant in Dutch so I
can use it for the websites of my customers. The only problem is that
they need/want a Dutch admin interface.

My experience with the localization plugin of Thomas F. is very good.
( JavaScript with Thomas Fuchs » Blog Archive » Ruby on Rails i18n revisited)
Implementing this in Radiant wouldn’t be that much work. Besides that,
the plugin is very simple and straightforward, which makes it perfect
for this application.


I am in the middle of adding localisation support myself. “Almost” done

  • and didn’t find this post until now :frowning:

I cannot agree more, Edwin! I believe this is very important! It might
hold back a bunch of users/sites/co-developers. Use the momentum while
it’s there. SO many open-source projects has died due to lack of
interest. Also, adding localisation early is a good practice…

The localisation I have added is using Ruby-GetText
( as an
approach, and it seems to work nicely. One of the real goodies about
this is the availability of tools to aid the translation. I choose it
due to the simplicity and the tools “age”.

I was planning to submit a patch to the dev-masters when done. Now I am
a bit sure if they really want it or not?


The localisation I have added is using Ruby-GetText
( as an
approach, and it seems to work nicely. One of the real goodies about
this is the availability of tools to aid the translation. I choose it
due to the simplicity and the tools “age”.

Can you write up something that gives more details about how you did
this? Can we see the site you implemmented this on?


I concur with the notion that localization is of utmost importance for
any project’s success. I can help with translation to Spanish and
Italian…just need the “platform” to do it. Of course, I need to
finish helping with the Wiki as well :confused: If I could only find the time.