I’m trying to take a long piece of text, find a word, and get that word
and the 3 words on either side of it and put that new “string” into
another variable.
I have a sentence like “Robert likes green beans, girls with moustaches,
and teddy bears. John thinks Robert is strange”. I am searching for
the word “Robert”, so I want to return the following:
[“Robert likes green”, “bears. John thinks Robert is strange.”]
(doesn’t have to be in an array, but you get the idea)
I obviously use index to get the places where “Robert” can be found, but
any suggestion on how to do the rest?
Bonus points: if you can do the same thing for multiple words…back to
the example, but search for “green AND teddy”…you’d get:
[“Robert likes green beans, girls”, “with moustaches, and teddy bears.
John thinks”] as a result.
I’m posting this because I couldn’t seem to find an easy way to do it…