I understand that methods defined at the top-level, not in any class,
become methods of the class Object. Pickaxe 2 says in its discussion
of the top-level environment (page 293 in my paper copy) “we’re
actually creating (private) instance methods for class Object”. I
think the “(private)” part is wrong because I can invoke top-level
methods using a receiver, which I shouldn’t be able to do for private
Here’s an example.
def foo; puts ‘in foo’; end
class Bar; end
bar = Bar.new
Am I misunderstanding this?
Mark V. wrote:
def foo; puts ‘in foo’; end
class Bar; end
bar = Bar.new
Am I misunderstanding this?
Don’t you get an error when you call bar.foo?
$ ruby -e "
def foo; puts ‘in foo’; end
class Bar; end
bar = Bar.new
-e:5: private method `foo’ called for #Bar:0xb7dcccec (NoMethodError)
On 6/12/06, Joel VanderWerf [email protected] wrote:
$ ruby -e "
def foo; puts ‘in foo’; end
class Bar; end
bar = Bar.new
-e:5: private method `foo’ called for #Bar:0xb7dcccec (NoMethodError)
Hmm … yes I do. However, I don’t get an error if I enter the same
code in irb. That’s all I had tried before because I thought it would
be equivalent. I wonder why it’s different there.
On Jun 12, 2006, at 22:22, Joel VanderWerf wrote:
$ ruby -e "
def foo; puts ‘in foo’; end
class Bar; end
bar = Bar.new
-e:5: private method `foo’ called for #Bar:0xb7dcccec
Am I right in guessing that Mark is using irb to evaluate this code,
and that Joel is not? irb has some odd hooks in it, in my experience:
ruby -e “def foo; end; puts Object.private_methods.include?(‘foo’)”
irb(main):001:0> def foo; end; puts Object.private_methods.include?
matthew smillie.
Using both 1.8.2 and 1.8.4: no… the method foo is invoked.
.w( the_mindstorm )p.
Alexandru P. wrote:
Ohhh… indeed I have tried using irb. Weird!
In irb, ‘def foo; end’ apparently creates a public method of the “main”
irb(main):001:0> self
=> main
irb(main):002:0> def foo; puts “FOO”; end
=> nil
irb(main):003:0> self.foo
=> nil
irb(main):004:0> class << self; puts
(methods-private_methods).grep(/foo/); end
=> nil
So the “top level” of irb differs from the normal top level of ruby.
Ohhh… indeed I have tried using irb. Weird!
.w( the_mindstorm )p.