Too slow in using Net::HTTP.post_form


I am using Net::HTTP.post_form to post cgi request to a website and get
Below is my code and I found that it always take about 30s to return the
result. I think my Internt connection is not so slow as I paste the same
cgi request url and run in my firefox, it will get result in less then
10 second.

post_result= Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(url),params)

So, how can I make the post_form returns quickly?
And, I also found many tags like in the returned html
file. Did the post_form download all those gif files? If so, how can I
discard all the image file and only get the text result?

Thanks in advance.


So bad, no one can give me some hint?

On Aug 13, 2007, at 7:37 PM, Ak 756 wrote:

So bad, no one can give me some hint?

Posted via

You might post more of the code.

Ak 756 wrote the following on 13.08.2007 11:52 :

post_result= Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(url),params)

So, how can I make the post_form returns quickly?

Maybe the particular server you are testing reacts differently if you
don’t have a session, a referer or the right user-agent ?

And, I also found many tags like in the returned html
file. Did the post_form download all those gif files?

No, it didn’t.

Lionel B. wrote:

Ak 756 wrote the following on 13.08.2007 11:52 :

post_result= Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(url),params)

So, how can I make the post_form returns quickly?

Maybe the particular server you are testing reacts differently if you
don’t have a session, a referer or the right user-agent ?

And, I also found many tags like in the returned html
file. Did the post_form download all those gif files?

No, it didn’t.


Below is my code:

require ‘net/http’

params = {‘s’=>‘GOOG’}
post_result= Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(url),params)

And its running result:
Wed Aug 15 09:11:48 +0800 2007
Wed Aug 15 09:12:02 +0800 2007

I think this is slow since the post_form will not downloading pictures
in the post reply page. And when I type the url’ in my firefox , it will show the
complete page including pictures in about 10s. If I configure the
firefox to not download pictures, it need only 4s. So,how I can I make
post_form reply more fast?

On 8/14/07, Ak 756 [email protected] wrote:

And its running result:
Wed Aug 15 09:11:48 +0800 2007
Wed Aug 15 09:12:02 +0800 2007

I think this is slow since the post_form will not downloading pictures
in the post reply page. And when I type the url
Alphabet Inc. (GOOG) Stock Price, News, Quote & History - Yahoo Finance’ in my firefox , it will show the
complete page including pictures in about 10s. If I configure the
firefox to not download pictures, it need only 4s. So,how I can I make
post_form reply more fast?

The same code takes less than a second for me. Perhaps it is your