Hi everyone. First a quick word - I am relatively new to Ruby and Ruby
on Rails, but I love learning about it and using it. Currently I am
working on extending Boxroom (file repository RoR app) for the CARE
Indonsia intranet, where I work as an intern. I am using ferret, and
it’s working great.
I noticed that if a file contains something like this
“applications/entries”, this will be parsed as one word, and
“applications” as a query will not yield anything, you have to search
for “applications*”… This isn’t entirely logical, since . , etc
presumably are not included. I am quite new to search engines, and not
sure exactly about the terminology - does this have something to do
with a tokenizer? Where do I change the settings for this? Right now
my code is very simple, just a few lines of using inserting the new
files, and of searching for them (I love the automatic markup as
well!) and I don’t want to make my code very complex by using lower
level functions, but is there a way I could easily configure the
“tokenizing” behaviour (let me know if my terminology is wrong) to
split for example “applications/entries” into two words, searchable by
Thank you very much!