[[1,2], [], [1,2,3]].map(&:length) #line 1 Blows up re undefined method
length for Fixnum?
[“ab”, “”, “abc”].map(&:length) #line 2 => [2, 0, 3] but this works
Why does the first line fail by trying to call method length on Fixnum?
Shouldn’t it be calling length on Array (which is defined) and thus
[2,0,3] ? Note the next line behaves as I’d expect, but for Strings.
Shouldn’t it be calling length on Array (which is defined) and thus
[2,0,3] ? Note the next line behaves as I’d expect, but for Strings.
What’s happening?
I figured it out! I figured it out!
theorizing that to_proc was implemented thusly:
class Symbol
def to_proc
lambda { |obj, *args| obj.send(self, *args) }
which would be fine, except, ba bum bum! you have an array of arrays!
map or each or someone is passing it via yield which is
sending :length.to_proc.call two args which turns into 1.send
(:length, 2)
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