To_parm and how it can be used in a helper

is there a way to pass the data returned by the to_parm function in a

i followed the info provided at
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able to successfully get the correct urls, now i want to be able to get
the same (id-whatever) text and pass it to a helper function for further

Any ideas as to how this can be achieved?

It can be accomplished by calling the to_param (not to_parm) method on
the object in question. For instance, @city.to_param, where @city is a
City object.

Rein H. wrote:

It can be accomplished by calling the to_param (not to_parm) method on
the object in question. For instance, @city.to_param, where @city is a
City object.

Thanks for the information. That solved one of my problems. :slight_smile: