To call a modal window before executing link_to_remote

I have

<% @flow_items = ServiceDeskStatusFlow.find_all_by_service_desk_status_id(@sd_ticket.service_desk_status_id) %>
<% for flow_item in @flow_items %> <% end %>
<%= link_to_remote "#{flow_item.action_name}", { :before => "javascript:give_reason_for_transfer()", :url => { :action => :edit_service_desk_status, :sd_id =>, :status_id => flow_item.flow_item_id} }, :class => "itillink1"%>

This is working.What I need is on clicking #{flow_item.action_name}, if
that is
‘Transfer Ticket’ , then before executing link_to_remote action a modal
window should be open say with a description asking the reason for
transferring the ticket also this description to be passed with
link_to_remote.And only after giving reason that window closed and
link_to_remote action executed .Could you please tell me how can i do
this?Modal window I have implemented in another part of the project
(…But how to join that with
this purpose?

Thanks in advance

Open a popup and then have the popup get the info then execute a
javascript call to the opener window with the info and close the
popup. Either that or have an extra div appear magically within the

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 4:05 AM, Sijo Kg

thanks for your reply