Hello, I am converting to and from hex nibbles using the code below. Is
there a smarter way for this?
To hex nibbles:
‘testing 123’.scan(/./).collect { |i| i.unpack(‘C’)[0].to_s(16) }.join
=> “74657374696e6720313233”
and back to binary:
“74657374696e6720313233”.scan(/…/).collect { |i| i.to_i(16)
=> “testing 123”
From: daniel åkerud [mailto:[email protected]]
‘testing 123’.scan(/./).collect { |i| i.unpack(‘C’)[0].to_s(16) }.join
=> “74657374696e6720313233”
and back to binary:
“74657374696e6720313233”.scan(/…/).collect { |i| i.to_i(16)
}.pack(‘C*’) # => “testing 123”
s=‘testing 123’.unpack(“H*”)[0]
#=> “74657374696e6720313233”
s.scan(/…/).map{|i| i.to_i(16)}.pack(“C*”)
#=> “testing 123”
kind regards -botp
s.scan(/…/).map{|i| i.to_i(16)}.pack(“C*”)
#=> “testing 123”
sorry, i missed dblack’s scanf
#=> “testing 123”
kind regards -botp