Hi –
Very minor point, but in case it’s useful:
n = gets.chomp.to_i
does the same thing as:
n = gets.to_i
because to_i doesn’t do anything with the trailing newline anyway.
This is even the case if you use the fussier Integer method. Integer
is fussier in the sense that it doesn’t like non-numeric strings:
“123abc”.to_i => 123
Integer(“123abc”) => error
But it doesn’t mind whitespace:
Integer("\t \n 123\n ") => 123
so you can do Integer(gets) without chomping.
I can’t think of any exceptions or weird edge cases, but if you can,
please report them
The Ruby training with D. Black, G. Brown, J.McAnally
Compleat Jan 22-23, 2010, Tampa, FL
Rubyist http://www.thecompleatrubyist.com
David A. Black/Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypal.com)
David A. Black wrote:
But it doesn’t mind whitespace:
Integer("\t \n 123\n ") => 123
(leading and trailing whitespace that is)
Beware that Integer() as well as being fussier, also implements special
treatment of leading 0 (octal) and 0x (hex).
=> 123
=> 83
=> 0
=> 291
2009/10/13 Brian C. [email protected]:
=> 123
=> 83
=> 0
=> 291
I have extended your test list a bit
Ruby version 1.9.1
irb(main):001:0> %w{123 0123 0x123 0b111}.each {|s| p s, s.to_i,
=> [“123”, “0123”, “0x123”, “0b111”]
Basically Integer applies the same semantics as the Ruby parser while
#to_i just grabs the first sequence of digits, treats it as a decimal
number and turns it into an int. If there is no such sequence it falls
back to 0.
Kind regards
Basically Integer applies the same semantics as the Ruby parser while
#to_i just grabs the first sequence of digits, treats it as a decimal
number and turns it into an int. If there is no such sequence it falls
back to 0.
A little correction: to_i is passed the radix, which by default is 10.
It will return zero if the first character is not the set of digits for
that radix, otherwise it will turn the run of digits at the front of the
string into an integer according to the radix.
mfg, simon … l
On 20.10.2009 00:49, Simon K. wrote:
Basically Integer applies the same semantics as the Ruby parser while
#to_i just grabs the first sequence of digits, treats it as a decimal
number and turns it into an int. If there is no such sequence it falls
back to 0.
A little correction: to_i is passed the radix, which by default is 10.
Thanks for correcting me!
It will return zero if the first character is not the set of digits for
that radix, otherwise it will turn the run of digits at the front of the
string into an integer according to the radix.
You meant to say “the first non whitespace character”.
Thanks for correcting me!
It will return zero if the first character is not the set of digits for
that radix, otherwise it will turn the run of digits at the front of the
string into an integer according to the radix.
You meant to say “the first non whitespace character”.
True. Whitespace at the start of the string seems to be ignored, but is
a stopper everywhere else.
It was complicated enough the way I wrote it. I looked for the ri
documentation on to_i, but all the standard library ri docs seem to be
gone on my computer, strange.
I suppose the code is like this, only better:
def to_i radix=10
s = 0
s += 1 while self[s,1] == “\s”
(s…length).inject(0) | val, i |
d = self[i,1] # wah!
next val if d == ‘_’
digit = radix_digit(d, radix)
break val if digit < 0
val *= radix
val += digit
mfg, simon … l