Timezone Issues after upgrade

Hi guys,

This ugrade to 3.0.10 is giving me headaches. Using 3.0.3, the time
was set at Brisbane. All
times parsed from the params are correctly parsed, ie

in the browser, the time is set to Aug 23, 2011 2:52pm so in the server,
you’d expect the param to be
Tue, 23 Aug 2011 14:52:00 EST +10:00. This is in Rails 3.0.3 and works

In Rails 3.0.10, the same time would parse to Wed, 24 Aug 2011 00:52:00
+10:00, an offset of 10 hours,
which is caused by the +10 offset of Brisbane’s timezone with UTC.

What’s the correct behavior? Any advice on how to get the behavior in
3.0.3? Thanks!

On 23 August 2011 08:55, Jim Ruther N. [email protected] wrote:

+10:00, an offset of 10 hours,
which is caused by the +10 offset of Brisbane’s timezone with UTC.
What’s the correct behavior? Any advice on how to get the behavior in

Assuming the date is being posted from a form, what are the actual
values in the params hash and how are you parsing that?


On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Colin L. [email protected]

In Rails 3.0.10, the same time would parse to Wed, 24 Aug 2011 00:52:00
+10:00, an offset of 10 hours,
which is caused by the +10 offset of Brisbane’s timezone with UTC.
What’s the correct behavior? Any advice on how to get the behavior in
3.0.3? Thanks!

Assuming the date is being posted from a form, what are the actual
values in the params hash and how are you parsing that?

Hey Colin,

Yes, the dates are being posted from the form. And I don’t do any
parsing, I just assign the
params to a record using either #new or #update_attributes. To make it

@post = Post.new params[:post] # params[:post][:start_at] contains the
string from the form

Assuming that params[:post][:start_at] = Aug 23, 2011 2:52pm

@post.start_at # Tue, 23 Aug 2011 14:52:00 EST +10:00 for 3.0.3
@post.start_at # Wed, 24 Aug 2011 00:52:00 EST +10:00 for 3.0.10

On 23 August 2011 12:00, Jim Ruther N. [email protected] wrote:

times parsed from the params are correctly parsed, ie

string from the form
Assuming that params[:post][:start_at] =Aug 23, 2011 2:52pm

@post.start_at # Tue,23 Aug 2011 14:52:00 EST +10:00 for 3.0.3
@post.start_at #Wed, 24 Aug 2011 00:52:00 EST+10:00 for 3.0.10

So it appears that 3.0.3 is taking the string as local time, but
3.0.10 was taking it as UTC. I would have thought that assuming UTC
was probably the best choice for rails to make, as it has no way of
knowing what timezone the user is in. It is a bit dangerous to allow
the user to enter a string and then let Rails parse it (if that is
what you are doing). There are many ways the user could enter an
invalid string. Make sure you catch the exceptions. If you know what
timezone the user is in then you could append that to the start_at
string in params before using it.


On Aug 23, 2:00pm, Jim Ruther N. [email protected] wrote:

What I’m saying here is that the behavior changed from 3.0.3 to 3.0.10.
Validating the user input
is beside the point. What I’m pointing out is all time inputs that’s going
to be parsed by rails when
the app is using 3.0.10 will be in UTC by default, even when you set the
time zone to be anything
other than UTC.

First off, the times you give are 14 hours out not 10 (not sure if
that is relevant).
Secondly, is what is in the params a string containing the entire date/
time ?(as opposed to what you get if you use select_datetime, where
you get one parameter for each component)
If so then

seems to be the relevant change in rails


On 23 August 2011 14:14, Frederick C. [email protected]

First off, the times you give are 14 hours out not 10 (not sure if
that is relevant).

I don’t think you are right there, Fred. Aug 23 2:52pm plus 10 hours
is Aug 24, 00:52


On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Colin L. [email protected]

Yes, the dates are being posted from the form. And I don’t do any

What I’m saying here is that the behavior changed from 3.0.3 to 3.0.10.
Validating the user input
is beside the point. What I’m pointing out is all time inputs that’s
to be parsed by rails when
the app is using 3.0.10 will be in UTC by default, even when you set the
time zone to be anything
other than UTC.

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On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Frederick C. <
[email protected]> wrote:

First off, the times you give are 14 hours out not 10 (not sure if
that is relevant).

hmm… i think it’s 10 hours.

Secondly, is what is in the params a string containing the entire date/
time ?(as opposed to what you get if you use select_datetime, where
you get one parameter for each component)
If so then
Fix before_type_cast for timezone aware attributes by caching convert… · rails/rails@c5908a8 · GitHub
seems to be the relevant change in rails

Wow! thanks for this. I’ll take a look and report back. Thanks!