

I am using the tzinfo gem and plugins to manage time zone support in my

In one of the views I have the following select
<%= time_zone_select ‘user’, ‘time_zone’, TZInfo::Timezone.all.sort,
:model => TZInfo::Timezone %>

This produces a list of all possible countries, does anyone know of a
way to only display the UTC + / - options and not the named places?


On 1/2/08, Scott A S [email protected] wrote:

I am using the tzinfo gem and plugins to manage time zone support in my

In one of the views I have the following select
<%= time_zone_select ‘user’, ‘time_zone’, TZInfo::Timezone.all.sort,
:model => TZInfo::Timezone %>

This produces a list of all possible countries, does anyone know of a
way to only display the UTC + / - options and not the named places?

I’m not familiar with the tzinfo gem but you should be able to use
something like this:

TZInfo::Timezone.all.sort.collect { |tz| [ tz.name ] }

Greg D.