Time.yesterday :)

Hello group.

Is there any simple method to get Time object like Time.now but with
yesterday date, without worrying about end of month or begining new one

On Thursday 17 November 2005 8:57 am, Marcin J. wrote:

Hello group.

Is there any simple method to get Time object like Time.now but with
yesterday date, without worrying about end of month or begining new one ?

Time.now - 86400

Kirk H.

Kirk H. wrote:

On Thursday 17 November 2005 8:57 am, Marcin J. wrote:

Hello group.

Is there any simple method to get Time object like Time.now but with
yesterday date, without worrying about end of month or begining new one ?

Time.now - 86400

Kirk H.
I knew that is something simple - but not so simple :slight_smile:


greg@oracle ~ $ irb
irb(main):001:0> Time.now
=> Thu Nov 17 11:38:02 EST 2005
irb(main):002:0> class Time
irb(main):003:1> def self.yesterday
irb(main):004:2> now - 86400
irb(main):005:2> end
irb(main):006:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):007:0> Time.yesterday
=> Wed Nov 16 11:38:27 EST 2005

class Time
def Time.yesterday

p Time.yesterday

I knew that is something simple - but not so simple :slight_smile:


proste :smiley:


even shorter:

def Time.yesterday; now - 86400; end

You don’t need the intermediate variable

class Time
def self.yesterday
now - 86400

Time.yesterday works just fine :slight_smile:

Peter E. wrote:

def Time.yesterday; now - 86400; end

Haha very nice.

Marcin MielżyÅ?ski napisaÅ?(a):


proste :smiley:

like a stick :slight_smile:

It’s in Active Support:


On Nov 17, 2005, at 10:57 AM, Gene T. wrote:

It’s in Active Support:


No, Time.yesterday is not in active_support, Time#yesterday is.

Also, active_support emits far, far, far too many warnings. I could
maybe deal with 1 or two warnings, but not 169:

$ cat yesterday.rb
#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘active_support’

p Time.yesterday

$ ruby yesterday.rb
active_support/class_inheritable_attributes.rb:116: warning:
discarding old inherited
active_support/inflections.rb:2: warning: ambiguous first argument;
put parentheses or even spaces
[snip 167 lines of warnings]
yesterday.rb:6: undefined method `yesterday’ for Time:Class

On Nov 17, 2005, at 2:13 PM, Eric H. wrote:

No, Time.yesterday is not in active_support, Time#yesterday is.

Also, active_support emits far, far, far too many warnings. I
could maybe deal with 1 or two warnings, but not 169:

Ditto. Whenever I see that sort of thing, I start to wonder
what I’m getting myself into.

Gary W.

Marcin J. [email protected] writes:

Hello group.

Is there any simple method to get Time object like Time.now but with
yesterday date, without worrying about end of month or begining new one ?

Pedantic to be sure, but keep in mind all the variations on the
“… - 86400” scheme universally fail during the Daylight Savings
Time cutovers that some of us are unfortunate to have to suffer.

Probably this won’t affect you.

In article [email protected],
Michael C. [email protected] wrote:

Probably this won’t affect you.

Even more pedantic: even if it does not, the assumption that every day
has 86400 seconds is still incorrect. A day with a leap second has 86401
or 86399 (has not happened yet) seconds.


Well… if a time wasn’t essential, and a Date could be used instead:
require ‘date’
Date.today - 1

By the way, for anyone playing with date/time functions, date also will
increment/decrement months:
Date.today >> 1 # Adds a month
Date.today << 1 # Subtracts a month

Might be handy,

Reinder V. [email protected] writes:

Pedantic to be sure, but keep in mind all the variations on the
“… - 86400” scheme universally fail during the Daylight Savings
Time cutovers that some of us are unfortunate to have to suffer.

Probably this won’t affect you.

Even more pedantic: even if it does not, the assumption that every
day has 86400 seconds is still incorrect. A day with a leap second
has 86401 or 86399 (has not happened yet) seconds.

Chuckle I completely forgot about that too; good catch. =)