TicketType Expected, Got String

TicketType(#70316537311800) expected, got String(#10085740)

app/controllers/reasons_controller.rb:44:in new' app/controllers/reasons_controller.rb:44:increate’


<%= f.label :ticket_type %>

<%= f.select :ticket_type, TicketType.all.collect {|t| [ t.description,
t.description]}, {:include_blank => “Please select one”}, :method =>


@reason = Reason.new(params[:reason])

respond_to do |format|
if @reason.save
format.html { redirect_to manage_tickets_path, notice: ‘Reason
was successfully created.’ }


class Reason < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :description, :ticket_type, :presence => true
attr_accessible :description, :ticket_type

belongs_to :ticket_type, :foreign_key => :ticket_type

class TicketType < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :description

has_many :reasons, :foreign_key => :ticket_type

I have read the “Kitchen” posting about the same error, the only problem
is i am using a description, not ID.
Changing the form just gives errors, any help would be greatly

On 27 February 2013 19:56, Colton Pl [email protected] wrote:



class Reason < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :description, :ticket_type, :presence => true
attr_accessible :description, :ticket_type

belongs_to :ticket_type, :foreign_key => :ticket_type

If you have the foreign key column called ticket_type and also
belongs_to ticket_type, then when you do @reason.ticket_type how is
rails going to know whether you want the value of the column or the
associated object? Best to stick to the conventions and call the
column ticket_type_id.

By the way, when posting an error it is a good idea to tell us which
line is the line the error refers to (ie which is line 44 in this
case) in order to save us having to work it out ourselves.


That worked perfectly. Thanks alot for the help, and ill keep the line
#'s in mind for next time