Three days with some of the coolest people in ruby and rails

What could be cooler than Ruby and Rails authors, experts, and
hundreds of professionals that work with Ruby on a daily basis – all
together in one location for great discussions and debates? That’s
what will happen at the Voices That Matter: Professional Ruby
Conference coming to Boston, November 18-20th.

Obie F. - Giles B. – Josh S. - Blaine C. - Ezra
Zygmuntowicz - Michael H. - Thomas E. - Hal F. - and dozens
of others!

You should join us! We’ll be talking about some intriguing topics and
there will be lots of time for Q&A and code sharing. It’ll be
educational and it’ll be fun.

Give us a call or send us an email now and we’ll tell you all about
the event and provide you with a free eBook.

To request more information and receive your free eBook, email
[email protected], call 617-848-7026, or request information
online at

hjk1127 wrote:

Professional Ruby Conference

online at Voices That Matter Series | Peachpit.

I’m sorry, but I have to ask: What is a Ruby conference doing
promoting itself with a website built in .Net?
It seems rather amusing to me :slight_smile:

Great speaker list by the way. I do hope I can attend.