

So I am new to ruby and have a question about threads. Yes, I
researched looking for an answer to my question without much luck. I am
trying to create a bunch of threads that will run forever processing
numerical information. I wrote a very simple example of what I thought
would work:

threads = []

list = %w(aS, bS, cS, dS, eS, fS, gS, hS)

for space in list
threads << {|numericalSpace|
while 1
puts “#{}: #{numericalSpace}”
sleep 2

This does not work as I thought it would, that is it would spin off a
bunch of threads and every two seconds I would get a thread print the
simple line to the terminal.

So, what am I missing?

Thanks in advance!

This does not work as I thought it would, that is it would spin off a
bunch of threads and every two seconds I would get a thread print the
simple line to the terminal.

So, what am I missing?

Try adding a Thread.abort_on_exception = true to the top.
Also note that if the “main” thread ever terminates then it kills all
other threads and ends the program