Threading model

Here is what I think happens:

  • and the other ruby threading methods from the ruby
    library will create and run on new CLR threads, but there is ‘global
    interpreter lock’ type thing to emulate MRI
  • I can sidestep the GIL by explicitly using underlying CLR threading

This is based entirely on speculation and “I thought I saw something
it once upon a time”
Is there a page that explains what the threading model of IronRuby is? I
would be happy to write one up on the wiki, but I have no idea what is
actually going on.

Thanks, Orion.

IronRuby maps Ruby’s green threads directly to CLR threads, and there is
no GIL.

The best documentation is just to look through
=P. Here’s the first comment:

/// Ruby threads are represented by CLR thread objects 

/// Ruby 1.8.N has green threads where the language does the thread
/// We map the green threads directly to CLR threads.


From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Orion E.
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 1:19 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Ironruby-core] Threading model

Here is what I think happens:

  • and the other ruby threading methods from the ruby
    standard library will create and run on new CLR threads, but there is
    ‘global interpreter lock’ type thing to emulate MRI
  • I can sidestep the GIL by explicitly using underlying CLR threading

This is based entirely on speculation and “I thought I saw something
about it once upon a time”
Is there a page that explains what the threading model of IronRuby is? I
would be happy to write one up on the wiki, but I have no idea what is
actually going on.

Thanks, Orion.

On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Jimmy S. <
[email protected]> wrote:

IronRuby maps Ruby’s green threads directly to CLR threads, and there is no

Holy race conditions, batman! I’ll be a lot more careful calling
now :slight_smile: