Threading in ruby

I have succesfully send mail from my rails application…I did it like
below.What I am doing is send a mail to an assignee.
def after_transfer

#This is the function responsible for sending mails
def send_mail_to_primary_assignee(contact_id)
official_email_ids =
ContactEmailAddress.find_all_by_contact_id(contact_id ,:conditions =>
“contact_email_address_type_id = ‘2’” )
official_email_ids.each do |official_email|
puts "```````````````````` "

Then my question is how can i put this to seperate thread in ruby…Why I
am asking this is only after all the mails are send i can continue in
the view…So if I put this to a thread is that problem solved .Since I
am new thread especially in ruby could you please tell me how i can
implement that?

Thanks in advance

2008/6/6 Sijo Kg [email protected]:

def send_mail_to_primary_assignee(contact_id)
Then my question is how can i put this to seperate thread in ruby…Why I
am asking this is only after all the mails are send i can continue in
the view…So if I put this to a thread is that problem solved .Since I
am new thread especially in ruby could you please tell me how i can
implement that?

I can see two reasonable options:

  1. create a thread ad hoc and let it do the mail sending (i.e. call
    your methods).

  2. create a global thread connected to a Queue that does the mail
    sending and stuff the email information into the queue if you want to
    send an email.

Note, both approaches are unlikely to work in a CGI environment. But
since I do not have intimate knowledge of Rails I cannot really tell
whether this will bite you or not. In this case you might need option

  1. Create a separate process that accepts emails via DRb and then
    hands them off to your MTA. Do the threading internally like in 1 or

