Thread Safety in Rails 2.2

How will this impact running Rails in JRuby in a JEE Container? Will
we be able to ditch the multiple runtimes? That’d be simply
fantastic. I’d love to see memory consumption drop.

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Does anyone know a timetable for Rails 2.2 ? Wondering if its weeks,
months, years away. This is great news for rails and JRuby.

On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Charles Oliver N. <

Darcy S. wrote:

Ruby on Rails — Josh Peek officially joins the Rails core

How will this impact running Rails in JRuby in a JEE Container? Will we
be able to ditch the multiple runtimes? That’d be simply fantastic.
I’d love to see memory consumption drop.

In a word: yes!

We’re also very excited about this and have been helping the Rails folks
as much as possible to make this happen.

  • Charlie

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