This code doesn't work in production

The code below works in my development server on my home computer.
However, the code breaks with a ‘Internet minimum invalid’ validation
error when deploy to production server.

What could the problem be? HOw might I track down what causing this?

the code:

#In my shop controller
def update
@mins =
@shop.update_attributes( params[ :shop ] )
@line_of_sale = @shop.line_of_sales.find( :first, :conditions =>
‘type = “InternetRate”’ ) ||
@line_of_sale =
@line_of_sale.update_attributes( params[ :line_of_sale ] ) = ‘Internet Rate’ # default if new or old, there
is only one per shop
@shop.all_internet_minimums.each { |min| min.destroy }
if params[ :internet_minimums ]
params[ :internet_minimums ].each_value do |min | unless min.values.all?(
&:blank? )
Shop.transaction do! = @shop!
flash[ :notice ] = ‘Shop was successfully updated.’
redirect_to :action => :index
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e
render :action => :setup

class InternetMinimum < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :shop

validates_presence_of :minutes, :min_charge, :message => “must be
validates_uniqueness_of :minutes, :message => “must be unique”, :scope
=> ‘shop_id’
validates_numericality_of :minutes, :only_integer => true, :message =>
“number only, no other characters allowed”
validates_numericality_of :min_charge, :message => ‘must be a number
(decimal is OK)’
validates_length_of :minutes, :maximum => 4


#Inside my view

    <% @shop.internet_minimums.each_with_index do |mins, index| %> <%= render :partial => 'set_field', :locals => { :mins => mins, :index => index } %> <% end %> <% if @shop.internet_minimums.size == 0 %> <%= render :partial => 'set_field', :locals => { :mins => @mins, :index => 0 } %> <% end %>
<%= render :partial => 'add_set_link', :locals => { :index => @shop.internet_minimums.size + 1 } %>

<% fields_for “internet_minimums[#{index}]”, mins do |ff| %>

  • Minutes: <%= ff.text_field :minutes, :size => 2, :maxlength => 4 %> Minimum Charge: <%= ff.text_field :min_charge, :size => 2 %> <%= link_to_remote 'remove', :url => { :action => 'remove_set', :index => index } %>
  • <% end %>


    <%= link_to_remote 'add minimum set', :url => { :action => 'add_set', :index => index } %>


    Are you able to reproduce it with tests or specs? Are the same
    versions of Ruby and Rails installed?

    On a side note, you might consider reading up on skinny controllers,
    fat models.

    Here are a few links…

    Good luck!


    On Jul 29, 2007, at 6:48 AM, Robert L. wrote:

    def update
    params[ :internet_minimums ].each_value do |min |

    validates_length_of :minutes, :maximum => 4
    <%= render :partial => ‘set_field’, :locals => { :mins => @mins,
    :size => 2, :maxlength => 4 %>

    Posted via

    Robby R.
    Founder and Executive Director

    Design, Development, and Hosting with Ruby on Rails

    +1 503 445 2457
    +1 877 55 ARGON [toll free]
    +1 815 642 4068 [fax]

    Robby, thanks for replying.

    My development setup is:

    Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn
    ruby 1.8.5
    rails 1.2.3
    mongrel 1.0.1 #I use mongrel for my development server
    MySQL 5+

    On my production server:

    Ubuntu 6.10 LTS Dapper
    ruby 1.8.6 #Initial this was ruby 1.8.4, see notes below
    rails 1.2.3
    mongrel 1.0.1
    apache 2.2
    MySQL 5+

    The first thing I tried to fix this was rebuild my VPS slice to have the
    latest ruby 1.8.6 instead of the default ruby 1.8.4. Ubuntu Server
    Dapper install ruby 1.8.4 by default. Feisty Fawn install 1.8.5 by

    There server was built with Mike B.'s Deprec for Capistrano. Inside
    the recipe, I found these apt-get packages:

    build-essential ntp-server mysql-server wget ruby irb ri rdoc
    ruby1.8-dev libopenssl-ruby libmysql-ruby zlib1g-dev zlib1g openssl
    libssl-dev subversion

    The next thing I am going to try to is write some tests to see if it
    breaks locally.

    If I had to guess, I would say the “.build” method is not working on
    production server. I can’t find any documentation on this method.

    Note that the server use apache to server the pages. Could that be the
    problem in some way?

    Robert L. wrote:

    The next thing I am going to try to is write some tests to see if it
    breaks locally.

    Tests will almost assuredly help you find the root of this problem
    faster than we can. Probably the easiest way would be to run
    error_messages_for(‘mins’) in your view.

    If I had to guess, I would say the “.build” method is not working on
    production server. I can’t find any documentation on this method.

    This seems unlikely, .build has been around for some time. For some very
    breif documentation, search for build on this page:

    I solved this problem, though I am not 100% sure how I fixed.

    In the process of writing test, I decided to remove an feedtool gem I
    was also having problems with. The code now works just as it does on my
    development server.

    Thanks to everyone who tried to help.