Including druapl,wordpress(Cms) and other frameworks like django what
those things in web development that they cannot do but Ruby on Rails
Please clear me this confusion!!
Thanking you.
Mostly, ruby makes experienced programmers happier
You should try out other things to see what I mean
New video up now at real fastcgi rails deploy
process! Check it out now!
Its really more so of a personal pick. I mean Ruby makes thing much
easier as compared to other languages, but again that should not be
the only reason for choosing to work with RoR or other frameworks
built on top of other languages.
For you to filter down to a particular framework or language, you
should atleast give others a try and see what fits you and your coding
styles and your project requirements.
On Feb 10, 11:54am, amritpal pathak [email protected]
It’s also important to understand the distinction that Rails and Django
general purpose frameworks for web development whereas WordPress and
and the like are content management applications, albeit with many hooks
developing plugins and extensions to the base app. So if we take those
groupings, the answer to your question is “a lot” - general purpose
frameworks are for application development, whereas a CMS is really for
solving a specific subset of web development problems.
On 10 February 2011 06:59, Julian L. [email protected]
Mostly, ruby makes experienced programmers happier
Someone asked me the other day why I preferred Rails to any of the PHP
frameworks (which I occasionally have to work with :-/
“Because Ruby is so pretty!”
Not generally a fan of such threads, but I program in a bunch of
languages using a variety of web frameworks. Apart from the completeness
of the ecosystem and the fact that a lot of things “just work” better,
for me the biggest win with Rails is pain free testing. If I need to
write some high level acceptance tests of a flow that includes a third
party web service and needs some model data, I can’t think of any other
framework that could give me the equivalent productivity of cucumber,
capybara, fakeweb, vcr and factory_girl.
The main downside is that figuring out you need cucumber, capybara,
fakeweb, vcr and factory_girl and getting them all playing nice takes a
while, so I’d argue that to become a decent Rails programmer has a
fairly steep learning curve just because there are so many moving parts
- from rvm to the various gems that need to be understood to write good
Rails apps. And the speed of development means that you’re either
working with 0.1 gems that are buggy and need forked, or you’re already
out of date before you get into production. As such, I’d argue that
Rails is best for more capable programmers, more complex projects (if
you can hack a single page form in PHP and that’s all you need, it’ll be
easier) and people who are willing to invest the time to keep up with
the latest trends in Rails development.
Just my 2c
Best Wishes,
But those are CMS arent they? is not the same, rails is sooo much
You have much more control over its components
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:59 AM, Julian L.
[email protected]wrote:
Mostly, ruby makes experienced programmers happier
Yay! I was going to say this. Oh, and don’t forget the ponies and
On Feb 10, 2011, at 10:42 AM, David K. wrote:
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:59 AM, Julian L. [email protected]
Mostly, ruby makes experienced programmers happierYay! I was going to say this. Oh, and don’t forget the ponies and rainbows
Oh wait. I am happier, but didn’t get the ponies or rainbows. Any idea
which github account so I can fork?
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Peter B. [email protected] wrote:
Oh wait. I am happier, but didn’t get the ponies or rainbows. Any idea
which github account so I can fork?
ref: Ruby on Rails 3.0 Release Notes — Ruby on Rails Guides
You have to fight a few unicorns first, but they do come eventually
Le 10 fvrier 2011 08:54:03 UTC+2, amritpal pathak <
[email protected]> a crit :
Including druapl,wordpress(Cms) and other frameworks like django what are
those things in web development that they cannot do but Ruby on Rails can
Please clear me this confusion!!
Thanking you.
Some geeks have given very good arguments and I would not want to spoil
their responses. I have noticed the likes of Peter B., Manoj
Chris K. (to mention but a few) have given unbiased arguments
the two.
I would like us to add some spices.* Notice carefully how I use the
words website
and web applications/systems. ( For further details check this link*
Web Application frameworks (WAF) are skeletons (frames) of the that is
designed to support the development of web applications and web
On the other hand, Content Management Systems (CMS) are templates
to allow (often non-programming) users to *create and manage website
- with relative ease.
WAFs are programming-oriented and are primarily designed for
software/web-application developers. As such, they provide a flexible
of adding code to applications. CMSs are content-management-oriented
are created primarily for users with little knowledge of web
languages like web designers. These provide a flexible way of adding
content to the websites.
If you want to develop a website with limited access to a database and
few interactions among classes, WAFs are not a good option for that.
of a CMS in such cases. On the other hand, if you want to build web
applications add some* coherent structure to your code; and make use of
plugins, addons and libraries that shorten the development time**
avoid re-inventing the wheel*, then CMSs are not an option for that.
for a WAF.
Another aspect to note is that CMSs are web developer’s view of a
websiteand WAF is a web-application developer’s view of the same.
CMSs fail in cases where one is building a customised web
such as a electronic data system. They provide the developer a
control over the application/system in such cases, which makes
feel naturally constrained. On other hand, (though they don’t fail but)
are not good candidates for websites designed to just display some
information such as news bulletins. Since most WAFs do not have a
(non-programmer’s) content management section, they sound so scaring to
non-programmers. Of course, most software developers like adding a
user-friendly CMS-like interfaces to their websites, but such
are often times incapacitated(i.e have very limited options) and are not
very common in web applications/systems.
You may wish to note some CMSs have grown into WAFs (and/or the
reverse), so
the dividing line between the two is very slim. Some CMSs even raise
questions as to whether their core functionality is to help with content
management or Examples include Drupal and SilverStripe for PHP.
Software Developer | Baobab Health Trust (
Cell: +265 999 465 137 | +265 881 234 717*
An old dog does not hunt because of speed, but his endurance of the
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Edmond K.
[email protected]wrote:
Web Application frameworks (WAF) are skeletons (frames) of the that isvery common in web applications/systems.
Software Developer | Baobab Health Trust ( |
Wow what a good read
I Completely Agree with Edmond on this. There is definitely personal
perceptions working on CMS,WAPDF, etc.
I’m not an expert, and Rails mailing lists is one of the most helpful
I must say.
I use WordPress and Drupal too. Wanted to change because Rails has the
only unpainful way for Test Driven Development. I could not find any
other framework which has such a nice way to do that (except Java with
JUnit and JS but I mean complete webframework.) Or is it exist for