Thesaurus search

Can anyone help me with doing searches using thesaurus.

I really want to do searches that are simple that I make up. For
example, a search on “TV” will bring back results that include
“Television” and vice versa.

Any help appreciated.


On 29.10.2006, at 22:44, Clare wrote:

Can anyone help me with doing searches using thesaurus.

I really want to do searches that are simple that I make up. For
example, a search on “TV” will bring back results that include
“Television” and vice versa.

I’m not quite sure if I get the point of your question. Are you
looking for a thesaurus dictionary or a concept of implementing a
thesaurus based search with Ferret?

There are several thesauri available for download. WordNet, for example:

These thesauri are in RDF format which is XML. You could parse an RDF
file and write it to a database or generate a huge Ruby hash for fast
lookup. You could even use a separate Ferret index as your thesaurus

Implementing the search is fairly easy. Look up a search term in the
thesaurus and use the synonyms to build the actual query for Ferret.
