Themes site

I started a thread on the Typo Theme Contest site about when the new
site would be up, it’s been what, 6 months since the contest ended? I
realize that people have things to do outside of Typo, but I’d be happy
to give the limited time I can to get things started. It would not take
any time to get a basic page together, and then fancy it up later. As
it stands you have to go through 14 pages on the contest site to get to
all the themes, and quite a few of the links are broken. Chasing down
themes from the old URLs show many sites that have moved to WordPress.
I want to help Typo along, and am happy to get a ‘real’ theme site

Now speaking of, what’s up with typo’s home?


P - you don’t have to kick it

On 13 Jun 2006, at 14:41, phil wrote:

Now speaking of, what’s up with typo’s home?

Whenever you get x number of volunteers only 0.1% of them will be
really committed. With the usual caveat of “Everybody has day jobs”
out of the way I totally understand where you’re coming from. If you
have the energy for it then I’d say do what you can. Big job
though. I’d given up the Theme Garden for dead months ago and am
quite surprised it’s still there.

Typosphere is permanently ‘coming soon’ … but what should be coming
soon? Trac is there and used. Forums? Well look at the activity on
the Typo Forums … it’s not much really. Wiki? Well Trac is being
used for that.

Needs must I guess and there just doesn’t seem to be a big ‘need’
right now.


phil wrote:

I started a thread on the Typo Theme Contest site about when the new site would be up, it’s been what, 6 months since the contest ended? I realize that people have things to do outside of Typo, but I’d be happy to give the limited time I can to get things started. It would not take any time to get a basic page together, and then fancy it up later. As it stands you have to go through 14 pages on the contest site to get to all the themes, and quite a few of the links are broken.

Most of the themes are also broken on the current typo trunk, and the
stable release is really out of date. I think that’s probably why nobody
has put together a theme directory.

Chasing down themes from the old URLs show many sites that have moved to WordPress.

Yeah, I’d have been tempted myself if I didn’t hate PHP so much.

Gary S. wrote:

Typosphere is permanently ‘coming soon’ … but what should be coming



On 13 Jun 2006, at 18:31, mathew wrote:

.Gary S. wrote:

Typosphere is permanently ‘coming soon’ … but what should be coming


Ow, pang of guilt there. I’ve dug around Typo enough that I should
contribute a bit to any documentation. Trac is being used for that
as well though isn’t it?


How about an SVN repository for themes? I can see how the overhead of
maintaining them and their sheer size/number makes them poor candidates
inclusion with Typo itself, but just having a central repository where
can store themes (with the authors’ approval of course) would help keep
up-to-date. In the case of themes that are no longer being actively
maintained by the authors, users could commit patches so that the
of each user patching their local install by hand is removed.

If people think this is something worth doing, I’m happy to volunteer
chasing authors about approvals.


I think SVN is a good idea. I’m actually doing that for my own themes

Each theme gets a directory in trunk, and then I have themes checked out
as svn:external in my Typo instances.

I’ve even created a little Apple Automator workflow for capturing the

I emailed that link to the TypoGarden guys, but I get the impression
that they’re waiting on getting the directory up and going before they
put new themes up. Or they think my themes suck. Both possible. :slight_smile:

I think it would be quite cool to set up a constant integration server
like BuildBot or DamageControl that would spin through and do a test on
all of the themes each time a commit is made to Typo. Something like:

  1. Typo commit happens
  2. Constant Integration server notices
  3. Local Typo repository is updated, all local themes from various
    SVN repositories are updated
  4. CI Server starts Typo
  5. CI Server runs a Twill script or something similar to cycle
    through and make sure that themes are still working.

The test wouldn’t be perfect, I’m sure, but it’d certainly catch 500
Internal Server errors.

I know it would be possible, but would it be helpful?



Syed Uzair A. wrote:

phil wrote:
Most of the themes are also broken on the current typo trunk, and the
Gary S. wrote:
[email protected]

Typo-list mailing list
[email protected]

Timothy F.

Thanks to those of you that viewed my themes today. I should really set
up Trac using something other than plain old CGI so it doesn’t take such
a long time to load the pages. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what versions of Typo my themes work with, but it sounds
like we’ll find out soon. :slight_smile:

I like the idea of one subversion repository for multiple themes, and I
think we can easily manage having one repository for multiple versions
of Typo as well. We can set up the theme repository just like the
actual Typo repository, and then themes will show up where they behave

As an example:


So in the above example, a_theme and b_theme work with Typo trunk and
the 2.6.0 release. We see that b_theme is pretty new, and there is no
version of it that works in Typo 1.6.7.

And that’s where I can learn about twill to do some automated theme
testing. Each night that a commit is made to Typo we can have a process
that updates to Typo trunk and automatically cycles through each of the
themes in the theme repository trunk checking to make sure that there
are no horribly obvious errors.

We can then use the repository, each theme’s about.markdown file, and an
automatically captured screen shot as the basis for a self sustaining
theme site.

I’ll be happy to shift the focus of my existing subversion/Trac instance
from my own personal themes to being more oriented as a central
subversion repository for anyone who wants to use subversion for their
themes without going through the hassle of setting up subversion

How does that sound to you, Uzair? Is this what you had in mind when
you mentioned an SVN repository for themes?

Is there anything glaring that we haven’t covered? If there is no
disagreement then I’ll get the Trac sped up and create the appropriate
tags/branches in my repository to support the various Typo versions.
Other next steps?

I’m running 5 Typo instances on my server now, so I’m certainly eager to
see it flourish.



phil wrote:

I have mirrored all of the themes from the contest site (that weren’t dead links) and am putting together a crude navigation once I weed out all the lost themes then I’ll share them here, and if it’s cool, move them to your svn server. I just didn’t want to do much until they Typo Theme folks did, I neither want to reinvent the wheel or step on toes, but I see a need and want to give back, plus after 5 months I think the time to move is upon us. Let’s get svn up with either sep repositories for 2.6.0 / trunk / 4.0.0 or paths, this way the ones working in trunk should migrate to 4.0.0 right when or after it comes out, giving folks trying out typo a simple way to get new themes. Heck, if they weren’t distributed with Typo we could have a script with 4.0.0 (within the admin GUI would be sweet) that says, “Update all themes” which would issue a svn checkout command with a tag just for 4.0.0 themes and checkout new themes and update the ‘old’ ones in one fell swoop! Now th

  1. Constant Integration server notices

up-to-date. In the case of themes that are no longer being actively
chasing authors about approvals.

Subject: Re: [typo] Themes site

has put together a theme directory.

Timothy F.

Typo-list mailing list
[email protected]

Timothy F.

On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 07:27:20 -0500, Timothy F.
[email protected] wrote:

I emailed that link to the TypoGarden guys, but I get the impression
that they’re waiting on getting the directory up and going before they
put new themes up. Or they think my themes suck. Both possible. :slight_smile:

Hey, thanks Tim
I think your themes are nice, better than some on the Contest site as
well. Can I put this with all of the Contest themes for my
mirror/migration of all the themes? Do these all work on trunk, or just
2.6.0? I know many/most of the themes on the contest site are broken for
trunk, but probably most work with 2.6.0 - plus it’s not that hard to
fix most of the themes (see earlier post here, or a howto on my site
linking to Pier’s) as I was able to get Lucid running on trunk easily.

I have mirrored all of the themes from the contest site (that weren’t
dead links) and am putting together a crude navigation once I weed out
all the lost themes then I’ll share them here, and if it’s cool, move
them to your svn server. I just didn’t want to do much until they Typo
Theme folks did, I neither want to reinvent the wheel or step on toes,
but I see a need and want to give back, plus after 5 months I think the
time to move is upon us. Let’s get svn up with either sep repositories
for 2.6.0 / trunk / 4.0.0 or paths, this way the ones working in trunk
should migrate to 4.0.0 right when or after it comes out, giving folks
trying out typo a simple way to get new themes. Heck, if they weren’t
distributed with Typo we could have a script with 4.0.0 (within the
admin GUI would be sweet) that says, “Update all themes” which would
issue a svn checkout command with a tag just for 4.0.0 themes and
checkout new themes and update the ‘old’ ones in one fell swoop! Now
'd add value.

Comments? I feel like I’ve either gotten the ball rolling, or rocking
at least, but kicking it enough times.


through and make sure that themes are still working.

maintained by the authors, users could commit patches so that the

-----Original Message-----
site would be up, it’s been what, 6 months since the contest ended? I
has put together a theme directory.

Typo-list mailing list
[email protected] - you don’t have to kick it

As promised, a small progress report.

Twill is a really neat tool. I was able to write a script that logs
into a running Typo instance, find all of the recognized themes, and
iterate through them.

I wrote a simple sidebar plugin that prints the current theme name
inside of HTML comments. The twill script ensures that the HTTP
response code is 200 and then parses the page, looking for
theme_name=TESTED_THEME. I’m not really sure how important that is –
when running in development mode the theme should never be cached,

Right now the twill script is a proof of concept – it doesn’t do
anything exciting with the data, other than print out the results to
stdout. Regardless, you can get it here:

Next up, I’ll write something to run the test against all versions of
Typo and figure out an appropriate way to store the results of these
test runs.


Timothy F. wrote:

actual Typo repository, and then themes will show up where they behave
So in the above example, a_theme and b_theme work with Typo trunk and
automatically captured screen shot as the basis for a self sustaining
Is there anything glaring that we haven’t covered? If there is no

Each theme gets a directory in trunk, and then I have themes checked out
Hey, thanks Tim
I think your themes are nice, better than some on the Contest site as well. Can I put this with all of the Contest themes for my mirror/migration of all the themes? Do these all work on trunk, or just 2.6.0? I know many/most of the themes on the contest site are broken for trunk, but probably most work with 2.6.0 - plus it’s not that hard to fix most of the themes (see earlier post here, or a howto on my site linking to Pier’s) as I was able to get Lucid running on trunk easily.

I have mirrored all of the themes from the contest site (that weren’t dead links) and am putting together a crude navigation once I weed out all the lost themes then I’ll share them here, and if it’s cool, move them to your svn server. I just didn’t want to do much until they Typo Theme folks did, I neither want to reinvent the wheel or step on toes, but I see a need and want to give back, plus after 5 months I think the time to move is upon us. Let’s get svn up with either sep repositories for 2.6.0 / trunk / 4.0.0 or paths, this way the ones working in trunk should migrate to 4.0.0 right when or after it comes out, giving folks trying out typo a simple way to get new themes. Heck, if they weren’t distributed with Typo we could have a script with 4.0.0 (within the admin GUI would be sweet) that says, “Update all themes” which would issue a svn checkout command with a tag just for 4.0.0 themes and checkout new themes and update the ‘old’ ones in one fell swoop! Now th

I think it would be quite cool to set up a constant integration server
The test wouldn’t be perfect, I’m sure, but it’d certainly catch 500
Syed Uzair A. wrote:

Subject: Re: [typo] Themes site


Typo-list mailing list
[email protected]

Timothy F.