The next generation

You wouldn’t use a cell phone today with mid 90’s technology. And you
would definitely laugh at the clunky quaintness of an early Walkman.
So when it comes to sucking machine sex toys, why would you want to
use equipment with anything but the latest technology?
If you have to rely on a masturbator or a hand cranked blowjob
simulator as your sucking machine, well, you might as well blow
You need to get with the time and avail yourself of the latest
advances in sucking machine technology. The Autoblow Blast. It’s a
major leap forward in sex toy ingenuity. Unlike a do it yourself
Pocket Pussy or a Fleshlight, the Autoblow does all the work for you.
It’s a sucking machine that asks nothing more of you than to sit back,
relax and have yourself a very superior blowjob. In fact better than
the blowjob your girlfriend is giving you – on the days you can get
her to give it at all!
The Autoblow has a soft silicone sleeve. Once you plunge inside its
soft, inviting depths, there are rows of micro-beads that eagerly
embrace your cock. Turn on the remote controller and they will ride up
and down your entire cock creating the most fantastic friction. Think
about it, your girlfriend doesn’t have micro-beads in her mouth, and
she’s is not going to blow you whenever you feel it. The Autoblow, on
the other hand, is a purpose designed sucking machine that never says
Whether you like your blowjobs fast or slow, or somewhere in between,
this sucking machine is your uncomplaining blowjob companion that can
bring you to a rousing climax within 5 minutes of undiluted pleasure.
Sounds great, feels even better.
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