The cookbook - category delete?

How can I delete category and set all recipes linked to that category to
“no category”?

The tutorial at O’Reilly says nothing about that…

Hi, you’ll simply have to change

Conrad T. wrote:

Hi, you’ll simply have to change

:slight_smile: So do I have to make a new Category with name ‘no category’ and than
link all recipes to new category?

What if I have Author of recipe…

table Authors with fields:


Now how do I set “no author” here?

Hi Marko,

Marko wrote:

Conrad T. wrote:

Hi, you’ll simply have to change

:slight_smile: So do I have to make a new Category with name
‘no category’ and than link all recipes to new category?

Yes. Because the belongs_to relationship requires that a recipe must
have a

What if I have Author of recipe…


Now how do I set “no author” here?

The answer depends on the relationship you want to maintain between the
various entities. Do you want to make sure that you every Recipe has an
Author? What about having Authors hanging around with no contributions?
The table definition above has no foreign keys and so, as it stands, you
currently have no way to link it to Recipes. These are basic database
design questions/concepts that really have nothing to do with Rails.
might want to Google ‘database design’ and spend a little time getting
arms around the basics.

Best regards,

what i did was make a category titled category and make it so its not
editable or deletable by the user.

that way, there will be at least one category for the user to keep notes
attached to “categories has many note, notes belong to category”

Marko wrote:

How can I delete category and set all recipes linked to that category to
“no category”?

The tutorial at O’Reilly says nothing about that…

i believe what you want to do is:

Recipe < AR::Base
belongs_to :category
belongs_to :author

Category < AR::Base
has_many :recipes, :dependent => :nullify

Author < AR::Base
has_many :recipes, :dependent => :nullify

what this does is if you delete/destroy a category or author, the
recipe’s foreign keys will be set to null, which in effect says that
the recipe has no category or author, depending on which you