The column 'id' is not the primary_key ,how to reset the Relationship

I have a table form the second database,it is not through a migration

class Dzhfeed < Dzxdb

set_table_name “pre_home_feed”

set_primary_key :feedid

the table:

CREATE TABLE pre_home_feed (
feedid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment ,
appid smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’ ,
icon varchar(30) NOT NULL default ‘’ ',
uid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’ ,
username varchar(15) NOT NULL default ‘’ ',
dateline int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’ ,
friend tinyint(1) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
hash_template varchar(32) NOT NULL default ‘’ ,
hash_data varchar(32) NOT NULL default ‘’ ,
title_template text NOT NULL,
title_data text NOT NULL,
body_template text NOT NULL ,
body_data text NOT NULL,
body_general text NOT NULL ,
image_1 varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ ,
image_1_link varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’,
image_2 varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ ,
image_2_link varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ ,
image_3 varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ ,
image_3_link varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ ,
image_4 varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ ,
image_4_link varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’ ,
target_ids text NOT NULL ,
id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’ ,
idtype varchar(15) NOT NULL default ‘’ ,
hot mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0’ ,
PRIMARY KEY (feedid),
KEY uid (uid,dateline),
KEY dateline (dateline),
KEY hot (hot),
KEY id (id,idtype)
) ;
but this table has another column named ‘id’ and not a primary_key

so ,when i want to create a new Dzhfeed ,I don’t know how to set the
column named id

my code is

feed = => 0, :icon => ‘doing’, :uid => 1, :username
=> ‘admin’, :title_template => “xxxxxxxxxx”, :body_template => ‘’,
:dateline =>, :id => 0)
but it not work the error is

Mysql::Error: Column ‘id’ cannot be null: INSERT INTO pre_home_feed
(image_3, uid, id, dateline, title_template, idtype,
image_1, username, body_template, image_1_link, image_3_link,
friend, title_data, appid, body_data, image_2_link, hot,
image_4_link, image_4, hash_template, body_general, icon,
target_ids, hash_data, image_2) VALUES (’’, 1, NULL, 1304675043,
‘xxxxxxxx’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘admin’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, 0, ‘’, 0, ‘’, ‘’, 0, ‘’, ‘’,
‘’, ‘’, ‘doing’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’)