I’m a slow learner when it come to shortcuts and i got real tired
looking up Textmate’s Rails snippets & commands in the context menu.
So i fired up trusty OmniGraffle and quickly created a little Cheat
Sheet for all default snippets/macros/commands in Textmate’s current
Rails Bundle. Certainly helped me to remember these quickly. So, if
you’re using Textmate and, like me, can’t remember all the handy
shortcuts and tab triggers, feel free to download the pdf I put
Feel free to repost it if you find it any useful.
This relates to the syncPEOPLE on Rails 1.0 bundle, which now comes
standard with Textmate (if you haven’t recently updated your textmate
bundles, you can also download the latest bundle here: http://
If you’ve only used this Rails bundle casually, i’d really recommend
taking a closer look and checking out some of its awesome features,
like the ability to temporally pull all partials into the main View
and the auto self-down on table/column drops in Migrations etc. Check
out this video: http://media.libsyn.com/media/beercaster/
TextMateRailsBundle640x480.mov or read about the features: http://
syncpeople.com/downloads/syncpeople_on_rails_features. Thanks to
Duane J. and syncPEOPLE for creating such an awesome bundle.
On Mar 9, 2006, at 11:22 PM, Sebastian F. wrote:
main View and the auto self-down on table/column drops in
Damn, very cool.
very nice. thank you for this.
Sebastian F. <sebastian@…> writes:
That’s a nice chaatsheet. I had the same problem as you and came up with
different solution, http://keyref.octopod.info. This little rails app
allows you
to paste the shortcuts in from Textmate and make your own refcard
including any
shortcuts you’ve added yourself. It uses PDF::Writer and doesn’t look
like as nice as yours but it’s very handy if you get the bundles from
SVN and
want a ref for the new stuff.
I’m interested in any feedback people have for me.
[email protected]
octopod on freenode
On 10 Mar 2006, at 16:35, Charles M. Gerungan wrote:
This little rails app allows you to paste the shortcuts in from
Textmate and make your own refcard including any shortcuts you’ve
added yourself. It uses PDF::Writer and doesn’t look anything like
as nice as yours but it’s very handy if you get the bundles from
SVN and want a ref for the new stuff.
The dragging of Bundles and thus selection of them is very nice
Thanks Charles, you can also re-order the list on the right by drag
and drop to change the order the bundles appear in the PDF.
On 10-mrt-2006, at 17:01, Chris McGrath wrote:
That’s a nice chaatsheet. I had the same problem as you and came up
with a
different solution, http://keyref.octopod.info.
This little rails app allows you to paste the shortcuts in from
Textmate and make your own refcard including any shortcuts you’ve
added yourself. It uses PDF::Writer and doesn’t look anything like
as nice as yours but it’s very handy if you get the bundles from
SVN and want a ref for the new stuff.
The dragging of Bundles and thus selection of them is very nice indeed.
Regards, Charles.
This sounds very cool indeed. It seems i’m getting an application
error though after pasting the shortcuts. Should i copy the entire
output or just the section for one bundle? But this is great stuff.
On Mar 10, 2006, at 12:22 AM, Sebastian F. wrote:
main View and the auto self-down on table/column drops in
Migrations etc. Check out this video: http://media.libsyn.com/media/
beercaster/TextMateRailsBundle640x480.mov or read about the
features: http://syncpeople.com/downloads/
syncpeople_on_rails_features. Thanks to Duane J. and
syncPEOPLE for creating such an awesome bundle.
Thanks for making this much-improved documentation, Sebastian. I
found out about your cool chart from Nathaniel B. on O’Reilly,
then blogged briefly about it at http://blog.inquirylabs.com/
Duane J.
thanks to both of you for blogging about it.
Duane, lemme know when anything changes and i can try to keep this
updated (and maybe make it look a little nicer too. ) Keep up the
great work!
On 10 Mar 2006, at 18:42, Sebastian F. wrote:
This sounds very cool indeed. It seems i’m getting an application
error though after pasting the shortcuts. Should i copy the entire
output or just the section for one bundle? But this is great stuff.
Copy the entire output. If it’s still not working send me the output
off-list and I’ll see what the problem is.