Textile formatting highlighted ferret search results

Hi All,

I am running ferret as my search engine against a table that contains
two text fields that contain textile formatting using the RedCloth
gem. I’ve added the fields in to the model as below:

acts_as_ferret :fields => {
:question => {:store => :yes},
:answer => {:store => :yes}

and in my search controller i use:

@faqs = Faq.find_with_ferret(@query)

In my view I have:

<% for faq in @faqs %>

  • <%= link_to faq.highlight(@query, :field => :question), faq

    <%= faq.highlight(@query, :field => :answer) %>

  • <% end %>

    This works, but it displays the information without converting the
    textile format to the correct HTML, eg bold, lists, etc (but the
    search term is highlighted). Any pointers on how to use the ferret
    highlighting and textile together?

    Many Thanks,
