
I am having some trouble using `text_field_with_auto_complete’ in
Firefox. For some reason, the drop-down list is being rendered
behind other table elements.

Firefox (broken): http://schema.ca/broke.png
Safari: http://schema.ca/safari_works.png

I’m wondering if anyone is aware of this problem, and what I might be
able to do to work around it?


Is the text field and the “mike oligny” box in a div? or diffrent
divs? or a table?


On 23-May-06, at 9:08 AM, John I. wrote:

Is the text field and the “mike oligny” box in a div? or diffrent
divs? or a table?


hmm.,. they’re both in tables. I have a list of orders - each order
expands to show details (currently a list of items on the order, and
a list of comments associated with the order.) - at the bottom of the
items and comments there are fields to add new item / comment.

It seems like anything in my nested tables appear over top of the
auto_complete drop-down options. Perhaps it is related to them being
inserted by rjs?

I would love to hear any ideas on how I could simplify this, perhaps
the nested tables are the problem. For what I just explained, I have:

 list.rhtml - opens main table (including widths) for concise list

of order rows, renders partial _order
_order.rhtml - shows one order tr and a few hidden tr’s for the
collapsed details and respective forms
show_order_detail.rjs - inserts the partials listed below and
toggles their visibility

for the order items:


for the comments (and other details):

I could have used yet another set of partials for table headings but
it seems like a lot of files to me…

Also, I’m using :toggle_appear because it Just Worked, but I think I
will have to find another way as the entire rjs file is being
processed on hides too. (data is being updated from server before
being hidden). Perhaps I could put some sort of condition in my RJS
file? I’m not sure how I would check if the user is expanding or
collapsing using :toggle_appear.

thanks in advance,

On 23-May-06, at 10:25 AM, Mike O. wrote:

bottom of the items and comments there are fields to add new item /

I rearranged the table layout and removed a level or two and it seems
to be working properly now. (drop down appearing on top of other
table elements). Stuff doesn’t line up exactly as before but I think
I can get it to… anyway, thanks for your reply - and I’m still
curious I’m doing this all a really dumb way.