I developed a few simple apps using Ruby On Rails (no database) for
researchers, we
got a new server (Mac Pro) and I try to develop in rails 4.0.4, I have
piece of
code in index.rhtml, but not anymore if I copy it to index.html.erb, I
don’t get
any error, but text_field_tag and submit_tag are not displaying, I read
about form_tag, text_field_tag and submit_tag, they don’t seem to change
much, what I might be doing wrong? Thanks a lot for your advice.
Sample size calculation
<% form_tag('/progress') do %>
<td> Condition Number : </td><td><%= text_field_tag( "cond",
value = nil, :size => “10” ) %>
<td> Number of People : </td><td><%= text_field_tag( "no",
= nil, :size => “10” ) %>
<td> <div><%= submit_tag "Compute" %></div></p>
<% end %>
On Thursday, June 19, 2014 4:45:37 PM UTC+1, Liz H. wrote:
any error, but text_field_tag and submit_tag are not displaying, I read
about form_tag, text_field_tag and submit_tag, they don’t seem to change
much, what I might be doing wrong? Thanks a lot for your advice.
Sample size calculation
<% form_tag('/progress') do %>
In rails 3 and above you need to use <%= for form_tag