Which editor do you work on in Windows?
Is ConText good? http://www.context.cx
I don’t work on windows. But on both OS X and Linux I’ve learned to
like emacs, it’s available for windows too.
That looks like a less featured version of EditPlus…which I’d
recommend on Windows.
I’d also recommend Komodo, or VIM.
On 6/13/07, driverails [email protected] wrote:
Which editor do you work on in Windows?
Is ConText good? http://www.context.cx
seth at subimage interactive
Cashboard - Estimates, invoices, and time tracking software - for free!
Substruct - Open source RoR e-commerce software.
I recommend VIM (www.vim.org).
Here is a nice list of links which will help you for rails development
I use ctags with VIM (google for ctags)
VIM is the most powerful editor. I has steep learning curve. but it is
learning to use VIM
Happy VIMing.
Anil W.
On 6/13/07, driverails [email protected] wrote:
Which editor do you work on in Windows?
Is ConText good? http://www.context.cx
Don’t live to geek; geek to live.
RadRails is last on the list of tools I’d recommend for rails
development. Way too buggy and way too slow.
What is about RadRails?
I’ve never used it but I’ve heard good things about E-TextEditor – a
TextMate clone for Windows.
couldnt get rad rails to work on a 64 bit processor…
U need to get hold of jedit and install a few plugins.there was a blog
about which plugins are a must have…google for it
once thats done u should start loving it…
driverails wrote:
Which editor do you work on in Windows?
Is ConText good? http://www.context.cx
I prefer NetBeans myself: