I stumbled on the fact that text_area_tag does not HTML escape its
content by default. For example:
text_area_tag “body”, “”
At the very least, are we amendable to adding a note in the
FormTagHelper docs about the escaping rules?
I stumbled on the fact that text_area_tag does not HTML escape its
content by default. For example:
text_area_tag “body”, “”
At the very least, are we amendable to adding a note in the
FormTagHelper docs about the escaping rules?
On Feb 15, 8:10 pm, mla [email protected] wrote:
I found a ticket on this issue from a couple years ago from Chris M.
but it looks like it was dropped:http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/5929
I’ve put up an updated ticket and patch:
Since making that first patch two years ago, the corresponding
text_area method in FormHelper now escapes its contents by default, so
I think there’s a good case for text_area_tag having the same
behaviour, for consistency’s sake if nothing else.
On Feb 15, 8:10 pm, mla [email protected] wrote:
I found a ticket on this issue from a couple years ago from Chris M.
but it looks like it was dropped:http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/5929
I’ve posted a new ticket on Lighthouse with an up-to-date patch:
I also noticed that the text_area method in FormHelper actually does
escape its contents now, so text_area_tag probably should do the same
for consistency’s sake if nothing else.
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