TestR 14.3.0

TestR - Continuous testing tool for Ruby

What is it?

TestR is a continuous testing tool for Ruby that efficiently
detects and tests changes in your Ruby application & test suite:

  1. Absorbs test execution overhead into the master Ruby process.
  2. Forks to run your test files in parallel and without overhead.
  3. Avoids running unchanged tests inside changed test files.

What is new?

External changes:

  • testr(1): notify user while dispatching their commands. This
    is especially useful when the “rerun_passed_test_files”
    command has been dispatched but there are no passed test
    files, so nothing happens and from the user’s perspective:
    TestR sucks because it’s unresponsive.

  • config/testr/rails: Reopen database connections in forked
    workers to fix the following errors:

    Mysql2::Error: MySQL server has gone away
    PGError: connection not open

    Thanks to Spencer Steffen for contributing this solution.

  • testr-driver(1): document the “over” status message in manual page.

Internal changes:

  • testr-driver(1): keep same herald; only replace master.

  • testr(1): shorten code for loop break on quit command.

  • server: rename @upstream to @client for coherence.

  • Can pass lambda and proc with block to << method.

  • Explain $0 override at the start of bin/ scripts.

  • LICENSE: credit our most recent contributors.