TestR - Continuous testing tool for Ruby
GitHub - sunaku/testr: MOVED TO sunaku/tork
What is it?
TestR is a continuous testing tool for Ruby that efficiently
detects and tests changes in your Ruby application & test suite:
- Absorbs test execution overhead into the master Ruby process.
- Forks to run your test files in parallel and without overhead.
- Avoids running unchanged tests inside changed test files.
What is new?
Bug fixes:
Do not fail when given test file no longer exists.
Make xUnit
option regexp case-insensitive. -
RSpec does not accept regexp for
see rspec --example escapes regexp in 2.6.0+ · Issue #445 · rspec/rspec-core · GitHub
and https://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec/issues/44 -
Ruby 1.8.7 does not have Symbol#upcase() method.
README: add another SQLite3 error to known issues.
Thanks to Luke W. for contributing this patch. -
README: add a section explaining usage and theory.
README: show example earlier in factory_girl tip.
README: update lines of code statistic: 372 SLOC.
Better variable naming for self-documentation.
Upgrade to binman 2.0.0 for UNIX man pages.