Testing upload via web services

Hi *,
I need to write a web service that accepts file uploads (even large
ones). My WS is REST based, so I have a create method that accepts
only POST.
My problem is passing the file to the method, so if someone already
solved this problem please let me know.
My method is like this:

def create
radio = Radio.create!( params[ :radio ] )
ad = Ad.new( params[ :ad ].merge( :user => current_user, :resource
=> radio ) )
respond_to do |format|
format.xml { render :xml => ad.to_xml, :status => :created }
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render :action => :new }
format.xml { render :xml => " #{e.message} </
error> ", :status => :unprocessable_entity }

and this is the spec:

it “should upload radios remotely” do
@request.env[ “HTTP_AUTHORIZATION” ] = "Basic " +
Base64::encode64( “quentin:test” )
puts @request.accepts
file = MockUpload.new( ‘example_radio.mp3’ )
Radio.should_receive( :create! ).with( ‘audio’ => file )
post :create, :contest_slug => ‘pago’, :format => :xml,
:radio => { :audio => file },
:ad => { :title => ‘test 1’, :description => ‘test test test
test test test test’,
:contest => contests( :pago ), :copyright_disclaimer => true }

It answers with a 406 code, so there’s something wrong with my code
(request.accepts returns /).
My concern is about what gets saved inside the Radio object, I don’t
think I can pass a raw binary object (AFAIK), and also the way I’m
doing things, couldn’t find any example on the net, I’m in the dark
about how to pass stuff and how to get it, let’s not even talk about
how to spec it.
About rspeccing the whole thing things get even more messy, I think I
need to write controller tests that check that the file I begin with
is exactly the same I have after using the WS, but isn’t it something
I shouldn’t do in RSpec ? I mean, using real data. In this case I can
have the controller behaving exactly as I think it should by calling
the right methods in the right way, but having a corrupted file in the
fs … I can’t test data in the model either, because corruption will
happen exactly inside the controller.
I’m new to this stuff, so I’m pretty clueless. Every help is very


On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 6:07 AM, Nicholas W.
[email protected] wrote:

Hi *,
I need to write a web service that accepts file uploads (even large ones).
My WS is REST based, so I have a create method that accepts only POST.
My problem is passing the file to the method, so if someone already solved
this problem please let me know.

