Testing subdomains

Hi *, is someone using rspec 2 and rails 3 for testing subdomains ? How
do I test for example in a route spec tis route ?

match ‘profile’, :to => ‘users#profile’, :constraints => { :subdomain
=> /.+/ }


On Jul 27, 2010, at 6:40 PM, Nicholas W. wrote:

Hi *, is someone using rspec 2 and rails 3 for testing subdomains ? How do I test for example in a route spec tis route ?

match ‘profile’, :to => ‘users#profile’, :constraints => { :subdomain => /.+/ }

it “routes /profile to UsersController#profile for slug” do
{ :get => “profile” }.should route_to(
:controller => :users, :action => :profile, :permalink => ‘test’ )

This fails with

undefined method `subdomain’ for #Rack::Request:0x102fd16e8

I’m not able to set the host, host! doesn’t work, or I’m using it in the
wrong way.

Someone has any idea ?
