Testing RoR skills


I’m a recruiter and one of my clients is looking for a RoR developer. My
testing platform doesn’t have any tests in accordance with this
Please suggest me a source where I can purchase such a test.
Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

Roxana Spînu

Spînu Roxana wrote:


I’m a recruiter and one of my clients is looking for a RoR developer. My
testing platform doesn’t have any tests in accordance with this
Please suggest me a source where I can purchase such a test.
Thank you in advance.

Tests of this sort are generally very bad tools for finding developers,
and I don’t know of any prepackaged ones for Rails (not that I’ve looked
very hard). The Rails community as a whole tends to be more concerned
with actual skills than with certifications.

What your client should do is draw up a coding test designed to measure
coding skills related to what they actually do. And give the client a
technical interview.

Tests won’t cut it. Consider yourself fortunate that you won’t be using
them. :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

Roxana Spînu


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:

Tests of this sort are generally very bad tools for finding developers,
and I don’t know of any prepackaged ones for Rails (not that I’ve looked
very hard). The Rails community as a whole tends to be more concerned
with actual skills than with certifications.

Totally agree! Papers say what you were thought, actual skills is how
you use what you are thought!

What your client should do is draw up a coding test designed to measure
coding skills related to what they actually do. And give the client a
technical interview.

Agree here too :slight_smile:

I usually put together a miniature app/project for people to do when I
need someone in on a project, and then review if they do have the skills
of figuring out stuff. (figuring out stuff today is both being good at
coding, but also being effective at googling to learn…)

A 1-2 day project should be good enough, as people usually use 1-2 days
on a job application anyhow.


Leif Ringstad wrote:

I usually put together a miniature app/project for people to do when I
need someone in on a project, and then review if they do have the skills
of figuring out stuff. (figuring out stuff today is both being good at
coding, but also being effective at googling to learn…)

That’s a very good idea. The only trouble is that it could get
expensive for the client if there are a lot of candidates to evaluate.

A 1-2 day project should be good enough, as people usually use 1-2 days
on a job application anyhow.

What universe do you live in? :slight_smile: 2 days on a job application? Who does



Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Hello again,

Thank you all for your answers. I will keep in mind your advices.

Have a great day!

Roxana Spînu

if it’s a paid job application then yah. i’d spend two days on it.