Testing errors

I have this method in user_controller_test.rb file
def test_auth_bob
#check we can login
post :login, :user=> { :login => “bob”, :password => “test” }
assert_session_has :user
assert_equal @bob, session[:user]
assert_response :redirect
assert_redirected_to :action=>‘welcome’

I get this Error:
NoMethodError: undefined method assert_session_has' for #<UserControllerTest:0x 28772e0> C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-2.3.5/lib/action_controller/te st_process.rb:511:inmethod_missing’
test/functional/user_controller_test.rb:25:in `test_auth_bob’

2010/1/26 Vishwa R. [email protected]:

I get this Error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `assert_session_has’ for

A quick google search shows assert_session_has as being deprecated in
2006, so presumably it is now gone. You will have to do it a
different way.


Thank you. Yes ‘assert_session_has’ and ‘assert_session_has_no’ has
been replaced by ‘assert_nil session’

Now I am getting another error:

NoMethodError: You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.[]
signup' C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-2.3.5/lib/action_controller/ba se.rb:1331:in perform_action’
lters.rb:617:in call_filters' C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-2.3.5/lib/action_controller/fi lters.rb:610:in perform_action_with_filters’
nchmarking.rb:68:in block in perform_action_with_benchmark' C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/co re_ext/benchmark.rb:17:in block in ms’

The ‘signup’ method is defined as:
def signup
@user = User.new(@params[:user])
if request.post?
if @user.save
session[:user] = User.authenticate(@user.login, @user.password)
flash[:message] = “Signup successful”
redirect_to :action => “welcome”
flash[:warning] = “Signup unsuccessful”

The tester is calling ‘signup’ as
def test_signup
#check we can signup and then login
post :signup, :user => { :login => “newbob”, :password =>
“newpassword”, :password_confirmation => “newpassword”, :email =>
[email protected]” }
assert_response :redirect
assert_not_nil session[:user]
assert_session_has :user
assert_redirected_to :action=>‘welcome’

Please tell me, what I am doing wrong?

Colin L. wrote:

2010/1/26 Vishwa R. [email protected]:

I get this Error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `assert_session_has’ for

A quick google search shows assert_session_has as being deprecated in
2006, so presumably it is now gone. You will have to do it a
different way.


2010/1/27 Vishwa R. [email protected]:

You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.[]

That means the error is on line 5 of user_controller (I would have
expected it to be users_controller by the way, following the rails
conventions). Looking at the error it seems you have
some_variable[…] where some_variable is nil. You have not told us
which is line 5 but if you have a look there you should see which
variable it is and then be able to work out why it is nil.

If all else fails have a look at the Rails Guide on debugging and use
one of the techniques there to work out what is going on. I like to
use ruby-debug to break in to the failing area when the test runs and
inspect the variables. In fact even if you can see the problem
without debugging have a look at the guide for future reference.


I am sorry I posted wrong tester calling method. The correct calling
method for testing is:
def test_bad_signup
#check we can’t signup without all required fields
post :signup, :user => { :login => “newbob”, :password =>
“newpassword”, :password_confirmation => “wrong” , :email =>
[email protected]”}
assert_response :success
assert_invalid_column_on_record “user”, “password”
assert_template “user/signup”
assert_nil session[:user]

post :signup, :user => { :login => "yo", :password => "newpassword", 

:password_confirmation => “newpassword” , :email => “[email protected]”}
assert_response :success
assert_invalid_column_on_record “user”, “login”
assert_template “user/signup”
assert_nil session[:user]

post :signup, :user => { :login => "yo", :password => "newpassword", 

:password_confirmation => “wrong” , :email => “[email protected]”}
assert_response :success
assert_invalid_column_on_record “user”, [“login”, “password”]
assert_template “user/signup”
assert_nil session[:user]

Vishwa R. wrote:

Thank you. Yes ‘assert_session_has’ and ‘assert_session_has_no’ has
been replaced by ‘assert_nil session’

Now I am getting another error:

NoMethodError: You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.[]
signup' C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-2.3.5/lib/action_controller/ba se.rb:1331:in perform_action’
lters.rb:617:in call_filters' C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-2.3.5/lib/action_controller/fi lters.rb:610:in perform_action_with_filters’
nchmarking.rb:68:in block in perform_action_with_benchmark' C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-2.3.5/lib/active_support/co re_ext/benchmark.rb:17:in block in ms’

The ‘signup’ method is defined as:
def signup
@user = User.new(@params[:user])
if request.post?
if @user.save
session[:user] = User.authenticate(@user.login, @user.password)
flash[:message] = “Signup successful”
redirect_to :action => “welcome”
flash[:warning] = “Signup unsuccessful”

The tester is calling ‘signup’ as
def test_signup
#check we can signup and then login
post :signup, :user => { :login => “newbob”, :password =>
“newpassword”, :password_confirmation => “newpassword”, :email =>
[email protected]” }
assert_response :redirect
assert_not_nil session[:user]
assert_session_has :user
assert_redirected_to :action=>‘welcome’

Please tell me, what I am doing wrong?

Colin L. wrote:

2010/1/26 Vishwa R. [email protected]:

I get this Error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `assert_session_has’ for

A quick google search shows assert_session_has as being deprecated in
2006, so presumably it is now gone. You will have to do it a
different way.


1 class UserController < ApplicationController
2 before_filter :login_required, :only=> [‘welcome’, ‘change_password’,
4 def signup
5 @user = User.new(@params[:user])
6 if request.post?
7 if @user.save
8 session[:user] = User.authenticate(@user.login, @user.password)
9 flash[:message] = “Signup successful”
10 redirect_to :action => “welcome”
11 else
12 flash[:warning] = “Signup unsuccessful”
13 end
14 end
15 end

Here is the code listing and Line 5 is at:
@user = User.new(@params[:user])

I am just instantiating User class object. How is this nil - I do not
understand Rail syntax enough to find out what is going on?

Colin L. wrote:

2010/1/27 Vishwa R. [email protected]:

You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base.
The error occurred while evaluating nil.[]
� �C:/VR/RailsPrograms/health/app/controllers/user_controller.rb:5:in

That means the error is on line 5 of user_controller (I would have
expected it to be users_controller by the way, following the rails
conventions). Looking at the error it seems you have
some_variable[…] where some_variable is nil. You have not told us
which is line 5 but if you have a look there you should see which
variable it is and then be able to work out why it is nil.

If all else fails have a look at the Rails Guide on debugging and use
one of the techniques there to work out what is going on. I like to
use ruby-debug to break in to the failing area when the test runs and
inspect the variables. In fact even if you can see the problem
without debugging have a look at the guide for future reference.


Could you not top post please, it is easier to follow a thread if you
insert your comments inline

2010/1/27 Vishwa R. [email protected]:

9 Â Â Â Â flash[:message] = “Signup successful”
10 Â Â Â Â redirect_to :action => “welcome”
11 Â Â Â else
12 Â Â Â Â flash[:warning] = “Signup unsuccessful”
13 Â Â Â end
14 Â Â end
15 Â end

Here is the code listing and Line 5 is at:
@user = User.new(@params[:user])

Read the error message again and also what I said, the error is that
it is trying to evaluate something[…] where something is nil. It is
not user that is nil but @params.

Did you try my suggestion of debugging if you could not work it out?

So why is @params nil? Probably because it should be params not


2010/1/27 Vishwa R. [email protected]:

NoMethodError: undefined method find_record_in_template' for #<UserControllerTe st:0x29fbe40> C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-2.3.5/lib/action_controller/te st_process.rb:511:in method_missing’
test/functional/user_controller_test.rb:45:in `test_bad_signup’

I cannot find out on Google about error on ‘find_record_in_template’.
I don’t know how to fix this - is this also deprecated or is it my
syntax error?

http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/7385 suggests this has also gone,
you will have to find another way.

Also you mentioned about debugging - is there a simple document that
discribes this?

I think I suggested the Rails Guide on debugging (google rails
guides). If you have not already seen them the Getting Started guide
and ActiveRecord Associations are compulsory reading.


Colin L. wrote:

Could you not top post please, it is easier to follow a thread if you
insert your comments inline

2010/1/27 Vishwa R. [email protected]:

9 Â Â Â Â flash[:message] = “Signup successful”
10 Â Â Â Â redirect_to :action => “welcome”
11 Â Â Â else
12 Â Â Â Â flash[:warning] = “Signup unsuccessful”
13 Â Â Â end
14 Â Â end
15 Â end

Here is the code listing and Line 5 is at:
@user = User.new(@params[:user])

Read the error message again and also what I said, the error is that
it is trying to evaluate something[…] where something is nil. It is
not user that is nil but @params.

Did you try my suggestion of debugging if you could not work it out?

So why is @params nil? Probably because it should be params not


I got another error on the line
assert_invalid_column_on_record “user”, “login”

So I googled and found that it is deprecated and hence suggested using:

When I use this I get error :
NoMethodError: undefined method find_record_in_template' for #<UserControllerTe st:0x29fbe40> C:/Ruby19/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/actionpack-2.3.5/lib/action_controller/te st_process.rb:511:in method_missing’
test/functional/user_controller_test.rb:45:in `test_bad_signup’

I cannot find out on Google about error on ‘find_record_in_template’.
I don’t know how to fix this - is this also deprecated or is it my
syntax error?

Also you mentioned about debugging - is there a simple document that
discribes this?

Colin L. wrote:

I cannot find out on Google about error on ‘find_record_in_template’.
I don’t know how to fix this - is this also deprecated or is it my
syntax error?

http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/7385 suggests this has also gone,
you will have to find another way.

I used
u = User.new
assert !u.valid?
assert u.errors.on(:password)
That worked.

I think I suggested the Rails Guide on debugging (google rails
guides). If you have not already seen them the Getting Started guide
and ActiveRecord Associations are compulsory reading.

Do I have to use Mongrel Server to debug? Can I use IIS? Are there
Also is there a light weight open source code/editor for Ruby. Right now
I am using Notepad++.

Thank your for your patience and guidance. I am learning a lot. Coming
from .NET world it is kind of hard to get the syntax. I read ruby guide.
it is difficult in one reading. May have to go back and forth between
writing code and reading.

Also when I use this test code:
post :login, :user=> { :login => “bob”, :password => “test” }
assert_nil session[:user] # assert_session_has & _has_no have been
assert_equal @bob, session[:user]

I get this failure - what does it mean?

  1. Failure:
    Expected #<User id: 1000001, login: “bob”, hashed_password:
    a9ef9fae12e45e2788d39”, email: “[email protected]”, salt: “1000”,
    created_at: “20
    10-01-27 21:33:33”, updated_at: “2010-01-27 21:33:33”, first_name: nil,
    e: nil, phone_num: nil, user_role: “patient”> to be nil.

Thank you again.

On 27 January 2010 21:51, Vishwa R. [email protected] wrote:

u = User.new
I doubt if you can use IIS for debugging. I don’t know about it. If
you are serious about Rails I would suggest having a look at Ubuntu (a
flavour of Linux). Linux manages Rails much better than windows. You
can set your PC up to dual boot windows and Ubuntu so you can still
keep windows also. I did this and now very rarely use windows. It is
great. Have a look at the free downloadable guide at
Main page - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference if you are
interested. Of course you would have to put your rails stuff on hold
for a while in order to get the hang of Ubuntu.

Also is there a light weight open source code/editor for Ruby. Right now
I am using Notepad++

I use jEdit, which is open source and runs on win and linux (and mac).

Thank your for your patience and guidance. I am learning a lot. Coming
from .NET world it is kind of hard to get the syntax. I read ruby guide.
it is difficult in one reading. May have to go back and forth between
writing code and reading.

I would also suggest a new tutorial which is not yet complete (but
goes far enough to get you going) at http://www.railstutorial.org/

Expected #<User id: 1000001, login: “bob”, hashed_password:
a9ef9fae12e45e2788d39”, email: “[email protected]”, salt: “1000”,
created_at: “20
10-01-27 21:33:33”, updated_at: “2010-01-27 21:33:33”, first_name: nil,
e: nil, phone_num: nil, user_role: “patient”> to be nil.

Again if you look carefully at what appears at first to be random words
it says
At user_controller_test.rb line 25, expected … to be nil.
On that line you have said
assert_nil session[:user]
so it is saying that it expected it to be nil, but it is not, and is
showing you what it is.


On 28 January 2010 17:07, Vishwa R. [email protected] wrote:

Colin L. wrote:
Have a look at the free downloadable guide at

Main page - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference if you are
interested. Of course you would have to put your rails stuff on hold
for a while in order to get the hang of Ubuntu.

I am going to checkout ubuntu linux. it should be easy as I worked with
unix earlier. I will setup then debugger in it. may be isntall VMware on
windows box and install ubuntu on it.

I prefer a dual boot personally but it is a matter of preference.
Many install ubuntu then run windows in VMWare or VirtualBox.

Before you install rails, google for install rails ubuntu as you want
to install some bits from ubuntu repository and some using gem
install. I have a script I use to install it, email me privately when
you get there if you want it.

Now all assert save fails. I hope this is the last error that I will
:password => “test”,
The code being called in user.rb:
Why is ssert save failing - it does not give me any errors?
Perhaps you have a validation failing. If you put
assert u.valid?, u.errors.full_messages
before the save valid? will fail and display the validation errors.
Or you could probably just put the messages on the assert u.save. I
like to do the valid test explicitly though.


Colin L. wrote:
Have a look at the free downloadable guide at

Main page - Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference if you are
interested. Of course you would have to put your rails stuff on hold
for a while in order to get the hang of Ubuntu.

I am going to checkout ubuntu linux. it should be easy as I worked with
unix earlier. I will setup then debugger in it. may be isntall VMware on
windows box and install ubuntu on it.

I use jEdit, which is open source and runs on win and linux (and mac).
Thanks, I will try this.

assert_nil session[:user]
so it is saying that it expected it to be nil, but it is not, and is
showing you what it is.

I got this error figured out.

Now all assert save fails. I hope this is the last error that I will
have to overcome.

test_send_new_password(UserTest) [test/unit/user_test.rb:145]:
Failed assertion, no message given.

user_test_controller.rb code line 145 refers to assert u.save as below:

def test_send_new_password
u = User.new :login => “bob”,
:password => “test”,
:email => “[email protected]”,
:phone_num => “(212)111-1111”,
:first_name=> “robert”,
:last_name => “baker”,
:user_role => “Patient”

assert u.save


The code being called in user.rb:
def send_new_password
new_pass = User.random_string(10)
self.password = self.password_confirmation = new_pass
Notifications.deliver_forgot_password(self.email, self.login,

The column names in the database are all correct as below:

Why is ssert save failing - it does not give me any errors?

Colin L. wrote:

On 28 January 2010 17:07, Vishwa R. [email protected] wrote:

Colin L. wrote:

I prefer a dual boot personally but it is a matter of preference.
Many install ubuntu then run windows in VMWare or VirtualBox.
Going to check my pc If I can install second drive where I can put
vmware and linux on it. I prefer linux on vmware on windows. The other
way you suggested windows on vmware on linux - any specific advantages?

Before you install rails, google for install rails ubuntu as you want
to install some bits from ubuntu repository and some using gem
install. I have a script I use to install it, email me privately when
you get there if you want it.

How do I send personal email to you from the forum. I tried to search
your name under users list. I cannot and it has some 671 pages of users
listed that cannot be sorted either. I see my name has link in the
posting, may be you can send a message with your email to me. If not
please tell me how I can send message to you. I defnitely want to use
Linux and learn all the tricks I can with Ruby on Linux - that is the
reason I am switching from .NET to Ruby so that the app can run on
multiple OS.

Perhaps you have a validation failing. If you put
assert u.valid?, u.errors.full_messages
Thank you. This is awesome - gives me specific list of validation

On 28 January 2010 20:20, Vishwa R. [email protected] wrote:

Colin L. wrote:

On 28 January 2010 17:07, Vishwa R. [email protected] wrote:

Colin L. wrote:

I prefer a dual boot personally but it is a matter of preference.
Many install ubuntu then run windows in VMWare or VirtualBox.
Going to check my pc If I can install second drive where I can put
vmware and linux on it. I prefer linux on vmware on windows. The other
way you suggested windows on vmware on linux - any specific advantages?

I don’t know the pros and cons of the two virtual machine layouts, as
I said I prefer a dual boot. The ubuntu install can split your disk
into two partitions and install itself on one, leaving windows in the
other after squashing it down to fit. Then at boot time you choose
which you want. We are getting a bit OT here, if you are interested
in ubuntu I would suggest subscribing to the ubuntu users list

please tell me how I can send message to you. I defnitely want to use
Linux and learn all the tricks I can with Ruby on Linux - that is the
reason I am switching from .NET to Ruby so that the app can run on
multiple OS.

As I use the list as a mailing list you should be able to see my email
address, but perhaps you cannot on the forum web interface. I find it
works much better as a mailing list than the forum. But again that is
a matter of taste. I can’t see yours so I presume you are using it as
a forum. Mine is clanlaw at googlemail dot com

Perhaps you have a validation failing. If you put
assert u.valid?, u.errors.full_messages
Thank you. This is awesome - gives me specific list of validation

Glad to be of help
