Testing a POST request with correct param


I’m wondering how to test POSTing something to an action from a form. I
am testing an action named “forgot” in my account_controller.rb. It
takes an email address as a parameter and does things based on whether a
user with that email address exists:

def forgot
if request.post?
user = User.find_by_email(params[:user][:email])
if user
flash[:notice] =“Reset code sent to #{user.email}”
flash[:notice] ="#{params[:user][:email]} does not exit in the
redirect_to index_url

The HTML looks like this:

Enter email address:

So I’m trying to test this like:

def test_forgot_password
get ‘account/forgot’
assert_response :success
assert_template ‘account/forgot’ #all fine so far
post ‘account/forgot’, ‘[email protected]#not good
assert_redirected_to index_url #fails

I get:

Expected response to be a <:redirect>, but was <500>
<“You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!\nYou might have
expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base.\nThe error occurred while
evaluating nil.[]”>

I’m not sure if the request parameter is wrongly formed? The app must
redirect to the index url regardless of the validity of the email
address. So the error must lie elsewhere I guess!

Thanks and oh, a Happy New (Rails) Year :slight_smile:

On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Vahagn H. <
[email protected]> wrote:

 user = User.find_by_email(params[:user][:email])

I get:

Expected response to be a <:redirect>, but was <500>
<“You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!\nYou might have
expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base.\nThe error occurred while
evaluating nil.[]”>

It’s funny you should ask this, as I spent this morning trying to figure
this out myself for my project. Your post in #test_forgot_password
needs to
look something like:

post ‘account/forgot’, :user => {:email => ‘[email protected]’}

I figured this out by the judicious use of print statements in my
printing out the values of options, options[:user], and

Hope this helps.


Patrick D. wrote:

Vahagn H. wrote:

       flash[:notice] ="Reset code sent to #{user.email}"
       flash[:notice] ="#{params[:user][:email]} does not exit in the

All of that could refactor into a model method that takes an email and
returns a

flash[:notice] = User.forgot_password(params[:user][:email])

The goal of refactoring is not just fatter models. Things like the ‘if’
statement work better in model-land.

Further, the result becomes easier to test!

   assert_response :success
   assert_template 'account/forgot' #all fine so far

Putting a get and a post into the same test is bad luck. Specifically,
should think of the secret @request and @response mock objects as
Pretend that each of ‘get’ and ‘post’ would burn them up so you can’t
use them

(I don’t know how true this mental model is; maybe you technically can
them. But…)

Your get and post do not communicate anything to each other, so they
should run
in two different test cases.

The one testing the get could then use assert_select, or assert_xpath,
to test
for the existence of a form, and the correct fields.

   post 'account/forgot'

Next, I thought the line should be

post :forgot

unless you are in an integration test, which I have never been able to
get much
traction from. But if you are in a functional test, then your test suite
with the correct controller - AccountController - and you don’t need to
redundantly declare it in get, or post, or most other helpers.

evaluating nil.[]">

The top of your test suite is broken. Could you post it?

In Rails 1.x, it should have looked like this:

Raise errors beyond the default web-based presentation

class AccountController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end

class AccountControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase

def setup
@controller = AccountController.new
@request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
@response = ActionController::TestResponse.new

The point is the rescue_action line. It ensures that un-rescued errors
do not go
into a crash page, they cause test faults and go directly into your face
you run the tests.

The Rails 2 equivalent is…

class AccountControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase

…where the new TestCase infers the controller class from the name of
suite, and then runs all that boilerplate code for you.

Either way, exceptions are supposed to be transmitted into your face,
not into a
page, and if you are using integration tests then I’d really like to
hear how to
get them to transmit errors correctly, too!

Aaaand here’s your answer (with GMane’s net-nanny foiled):

post ‘account/forgot’, :user => {:email =>

I figured this out by the judicious use of print statements in my
controller printing out the values of options, options[:user], and

Because you pass a subset of the complete params set into post.

One way to learn them is to write your page, run it in script/server,
run your
form, and inspect the spew from the server’s console. It will include
params, using .inspect to write them as a raw Ruby hash.

Hope this helps.

And I hope I didn’t confuse everyone too much…



On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Vahagn H. <
[email protected]> wrote:

puts "OPTIONS: " + options[:user] #method undefined!
etc etc

Yup. I’m not sure why you would get a #method undefined! error. I got
sorts “you have tried to call nil.something” errors, which pointed in
direction of realizing that options[:foo][:bar] was not set.

I’m glad I could help. I have received so much help from the folks on
list that it’s a pleasure to be able to give some back.


… and I’m looking forward to the day I’m able to give back, as well.
/ V.

Patrick D. wrote:

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 2:53 PM, Vahagn H. <
[email protected]> wrote:

puts "OPTIONS: " + options[:user] #method undefined!
etc etc

Yup. I’m not sure why you would get a #method undefined! error. I got
sorts “you have tried to call nil.something” errors, which pointed in
direction of realizing that options[:foo][:bar] was not set.

I’m glad I could help. I have received so much help from the folks on
list that it’s a pleasure to be able to give some back.


Hi guys and thanks a lot.

post ‘account/forgot’, :user => {:email => ‘[email protected]’}

is the deal. Patrick, if you could figure this out by putting print
statements in your controller you’re a better Rails coder than me :slight_smile:
Did you mean:

def forgot
puts "OPTIONS: " + options[:user] #method undefined!
etc etc


@Phlip: The thing is, this is an integration test. And because this is
an integration test (it is meant to mimic a real-life user’s interaction
with the app) I would mean it is OK to have GET and POST inside one
test. (In real life, I first GET the “forgot password” view by clicking
a link. Then, I POST my email to that view, etc. I could split these two
actions into two separate tests and then combine them under a third test
by calling the first one, then the second one. But, the flow would be
exactly the same as if the two were inside a single test! This is why I
think it is not necessary to make the test more atomic than it is - as
long as it covers one distinct “scenario” of user-app interaction).

What I do when I need to see the errors I get (those who result in
failures and errors in my test) is use this statement which I find very

assert_response :success, “Errors on model: #any assert statement can be

That way, the errors appear in the terminal window that I run my
commands from.

Hope this helps!

Cheers, Vahagn