I just checked out ferret 0.10.14 from subversion and am getting
intermittent failures from the thread_safety_index_test.rb script.
Sometimes it runs through to the end with no errors, but other times I
get errors, including segfaults.
I reported the bug here: http://ferret.davebalmain.com/trac/ticket/153
Can anyone else reproduce this?
svn co svn://davebalmain.com/ferret/tags/REL-0.10.14/ ferret-0.10.14
cd ferret-0.10.14
rake ext
ruby test/functional/thread_safety_index_test.rb
You’ll need to run it a few times though (just the last line).
Sometimes it returns successful, sometimes it returns weird and random
test errors, and every so often it actually segfaults.
Additionally, I encountered problems running “rake ext” on a box that
already has Ferret 0.10.14 installed as a gem. You may need to do this
on a box without Ferret already installed (or figure out why it fails to
build and fix it
I’m on Ubuntu Edgy.